This book describes in fascinating detail the variety of experiments sponsored by the U.S. government in which human subjects were exposed to radiation, often without their knowledge or consent. Based on a review of hundreds of thousands of heretofore unavailable or classified documents, this Report tells a gripping story of the intricate relationship between science and the state. Under the thick veil of government secrecy, researchers conducted experiments that ranged from the mundane to such egregious violations as administering radioactive tracers to mentally retarded...
This book describes in fascinating detail the variety of experiments sponsored by the U.S. government in which human subjects were exposed to radiatio...
Personal Justice Denied tells the extraordinary story of the incarceration of mainland Japanese Americans and Alaskan Aleuts during World War II. Although this wartime episode is now almost universally recognized as a catastrophe, for decades various government officials and agencies defended their actions by asserting a military necessity.
The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment was established by act of Congress in 1980 to investigate the detention program. Over twenty days, it held hearings in cities across the country, particularly on the West Coast, with...
Personal Justice Denied tells the extraordinary story of the incarceration of mainland Japanese Americans and Alaskan Aleuts during World Wa...
United States Marine Corps Joyce L. Vedral United States
Warfighting is an authentic American philosophy of action that will thrill the millions of fans of SunTzu's The Art of War and Musashi's T he Book of Five Rings. This modern classic of strategy and philosophy is the quintessential guide to prevailing in competitive situations, be it war, work, play, or daily living.
Sometimes life is war and sometimes business is war and sometimes you need to call in the Marines. Over the past two hundred years, the Marines have developed a reputation for getting the job done-fearlessly, boldly, and taking no prisoners. What better...
Warfighting is an authentic American philosophy of action that will thrill the millions of fans of SunTzu's The Art of War and Musashi's...
This revised edition of an extremely clear Navy training manual leaves nothing to be desired in its presentation. Thorough in its coverage of basic theory, from the lever and inclined plane to internal combustion engines and power trains, it requires nothing more than an understanding of the most elementary mathematics. Beginning with the simplest of machines the lever the text proceeds to discussions of the block and tackle (pulleys and hoists), wheel and axle, the inclined plane and the wedge, the screw, and different types of gears (simple, spur, bevel, herringbone, spiral, worm,...
This revised edition of an extremely clear Navy training manual leaves nothing to be desired in its presentation. Thorough in its coverage of basic...
This practical, easy-to-follow-guide--newly revised and updated--offers food shoppers an attractive, high-quality alternative to high-priced, overprocessed, and undernourishing foods. Virtually everything you need to know about home canning is here: how to select, prepare, and can fruits, vegetables, poultry, red meats, and seafoods; how to preserve fruit spreads, fermented foods, and pickled vegetables; how to test jar seals, identify and handle spoiled canned foods, prepare foods for special diets, and much more. Also included are scores of simply written recipes that enable even...
This practical, easy-to-follow-guide--newly revised and updated--offers food shoppers an attractive, high-quality alternative to high-priced, overproc...
Together in one book, the two most important documents in United States history form the enduring legacy of America's Founding Fathers including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton.
The Declaration of Independence was the promise of a representative government; the Constitution was the fulfillment of that promise.
On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress issued a unanimous declaration: the thirteen North American colonies would be the thirteen United States of America, free and independent of Great Britain. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the...
Together in one book, the two most important documents in United States history form the enduring legacy of America's Founding Fathers including Th...
This book includes every Supreme Court case relevant to gender and sexual equality from the Court's beginnings in 1787 to the end of the 1999/2000 term. It is a primary document reference book, organized topically in eight chapter civic and social rights and duties; educational policies and instructions; employment and careers; sexual privacy and procreative rights; morality and sexual ethics; family; gender and sexual orientation; and other issues. Every case is included either as a full (edited) version of the majority or per curiam opinion, extensive excerpts of the opinion, or a detailed...
This book includes every Supreme Court case relevant to gender and sexual equality from the Court's beginnings in 1787 to the end of the 1999/2000 ter...
Most students of contemporary China are familiar with the Joint Economic Committee studies on China, which have appeared periodically since 1967. This is the most recent study in the series (released in April, 1991).
Most students of contemporary China are familiar with the Joint Economic Committee studies on China, which have appeared periodically since 1967. This...
This edition of the Joint Economic Committee's 1993 reports on the economies of the ex-Soviet states tracks the Soviet and post-Soviet economic reform efforts, and looks at issues such as integration and developments.
This edition of the Joint Economic Committee's 1993 reports on the economies of the ex-Soviet states tracks the Soviet and post-Soviet economic reform...
Dictionary & Thesaurus of Environment, Health & Safety is the first and only dictionary/thesaurus to focus on the usage and structure of environment, health, and safety terminology. Containing nearly 600 pages, this book features thousands of terms that may be hard to find in any other reference source. Thesaurus terms are presented under broad subject categories, and all acronyms found in the thesaurus are listed with their reciprocal phrases. A separate section features a mini-thesaurus for Department of Energy vocabulary. ANSI standards were used to construct the thesaurus, and definitions...
Dictionary & Thesaurus of Environment, Health & Safety is the first and only dictionary/thesaurus to focus on the usage and structure of environment, ...