In two dozen short, readable biographies of John Calvin's friends -- including some who turned into enemies -- Machiel A. van den Berg paints an intimate portrait of the great Reformer's life and circle that most of us have never seen. Here we accompany Calvin from his early boyhood in Noyon to his student days in Paris and Orleans, to his pastorate in and exile from Geneva, all the way to his deathbed. We meet his famous Reformer friends -- William Farel, Martin Bucer, Philip Melanchthon, Heinrich Bullinger, John Knox, Theodore Beza -- and friends whose names are more obscure: his...
In two dozen short, readable biographies of John Calvin's friends -- including some who turned into enemies -- Machiel A. van den Berg paints an intim...
All over the world Christian communities meet on Sunday morning for worship. But what really happens during a worship service? How do worshipers participate in the service? What does it mean to sing, pray, and celebrate the Lord's Supper together? What do worshipers do when they listen to a sermon? In The Touch of the Sacred Gerrit Immink offers thoughtful theological reflection on the religious practice of worship services in the Protestant tradition. He develops a theology of worship with a clear focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as he explores the meaning of...
All over the world Christian communities meet on Sunday morning for worship. But what really happens during a worship service? How do worshipers parti...
On the surface it may appear that I am quite negative about many things in my church and that I am pessimistic about the church's future. That would, however, be a wrong conclusion. I am not about to give up on my church but I try to take the long view. I believe current clouds can blow away and eventually new winds can begin to blow. The last thing I would want to do is discourage any readers by my analysis of the crisis in Christianity in general, and in Adventism in particular. I would be devastated if my book drove people away from faith and away from their church. On the contrary, I...
On the surface it may appear that I am quite negative about many things in my church and that I am pessimistic about the church's future. That woul...
Overfladisk betragtet kan det se ud til, at jeg er temmelig negativ over for mangt og meget i min menighed, og at jeg er pessimistisk, nAr det gAElder dens fremtid. Dette er imidlertid ikke rigtigt. Jeg er ikke ved at opgive min menighed, men jeg forsOger at bedOmme den pA lidt lAEngere sigt. Jeg er overbevist om, at de truende skyer kan blAEse vAEk, og at nye vinde kan begynde at blAEse. Jeg Onsker mindst af alt at skabe mismod hos bogens lAEsere, selv om jeg har belyst kristendommens generelle krise og adventismens i sAErdeleshed. Jeg vil vAEre sOnderknust, hvis min bog fAr folk til at...
Overfladisk betragtet kan det se ud til, at jeg er temmelig negativ over for mangt og meget i min menighed, og at jeg er pessimistisk, nAr det gAEl...
De nombreux chrEtiens dans le monde sont aux prises avec de sErieux doutes A propos de leur foi et de leur Eglise. C'est aussi vrai pour les adventistes du septiEme jour, en particulier dans le monde occidental. Beaucoup ont dElaissE l'Eglise ou se trouvent 'en marge' cherchant A dEcider s'ils vont aussi partir ou avoir le courage de rester. Ce livre est rEdigE A leur intention.
Le livre commence par une brEve analyse de la crise actuelle que traverse le christianisme - et l'adventisme en particulier. L'auteur aborde les doutes relatifs aux fondements de la foi chrEtienne ainsi que...
De nombreux chrEtiens dans le monde sont aux prises avec de sErieux doutes A propos de leur foi et de leur Eglise. C'est aussi vrai pour les advent...