(Educational Piano Library). From the very first lessons in Book 1, students are making music as they explore the piano keyboard through fun improvisation pieces called My Own Song . The beginning of the book introduces finger numbers, the black-key and white-key groups, and basic rhythm patterns. Directional reading is taught first by finger number, then by note name, and then by interval (stop, skip, and repeat). Once the students are introduced to the staff, they learn reading guides Bass F and Treble G and read by interval in several different hand positions.
(Educational Piano Library). From the very first lessons in Book 1, students are making music as they explore the piano keyboard through fun improvisa...
(Educational Piano Library). Book 2 opens with a new My Own Song improvisation on CDEFG. Unit 1 introduces phrasing and legato touch, and also presents harmonic 2nds and 3rds with staccato touch. The following two units are dedicated to the introduction of 4ths and 5ths. Also in Unit 3, sharps are introduced in a diatonic setting starting on D, and flats are introduced as blues notes. Most pieces in the second half of Book 2 coordinate hands playing together. This book works very well for transfer students.
(Educational Piano Library). Book 2 opens with a new My Own Song improvisation on CDEFG. Unit 1 introduces phrasing and legato touch, and also present...
(Educational Piano Library). Unit 1 of Book 3 begins by introducing eighth notes in 4/4 and 2/4 time. Swing eighths are also presented in the first half of the book. Folk, jazz, classical, and contemporary selections provide students with an interesting variety of repertoire. The second half of Book 3, teaches relative and parallel major/minor five-finger patterns, and students learn to improvise their own songs using these basic patterns.
(Educational Piano Library). Unit 1 of Book 3 begins by introducing eighth notes in 4/4 and 2/4 time. Swing eighths are also presented in the first ha...
(Bass Method). The Hal Leonard Bass Method is designed for anyone just learning to play electric bass. It is based on years of teaching bass students of all ages, and it also reflects some of the best bass teaching ideas from around the world The second edition has been totally revised and features all new engravings and photos. The books have been updated to meet the needs of today's bass students by renowned bassist and author Ed Friedland. Book 1 teaches: tuning, playing position; musical symbols; notes within the first five frets; common bass lines, patterns and rhythms; rhythms through...
(Bass Method). The Hal Leonard Bass Method is designed for anyone just learning to play electric bass. It is based on years of teaching bass students ...
(Bass Method). The Hal Leonard Bass Method is designed for anyone just learning to play electric bass. It is based on years of teaching bass students of all ages and it also reflects some of the best bass teaching ideas from around the world. This special bound edition contains Books 1, 2 and 3 with online audio examples.
(Bass Method). The Hal Leonard Bass Method is designed for anyone just learning to play electric bass. It is based on years of teaching bass students ...
(Easy Guitar). 48 hymns, including: All Hail the Power Of Jesus' Name * Amazing Grace * Be Thou My Vision * Blessed Assurance * Fairest Lord Jesus * I Love to Tell the Story * In the Garden * Let Us Break Bread Together * Rock of Ages * Were You There? * When I Survey the Wondrous Cross * and more.
(Easy Guitar). 48 hymns, including: All Hail the Power Of Jesus' Name * Amazing Grace * Be Thou My Vision * Blessed Assurance * Fairest Lord Jesus * I...