Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Yoga and Meditation: what could they possibly have in common? Each has the ability to bring those who receive them to a deeper sense of inner balance, contentment and self-acceptance. The road to perfection is strewn with makeovers gone bad. Although perfection is the goal, outer change may not be the way to achieve it. Altering small pieces of the outside often leaves the inner self unchanged. In an easy to understand question and answer format, "The Inside-Out Makeover" introduces ten tools which, when used alone or in combination, allow the participant to achieve...
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Yoga and Meditation: what could they possibly have in common? Each has the ability to bring those who receive them to a deepe...
Ayanna's suitors are in a competition to win her hand in marriage. They are given a challenge to prove their worthiness by growing the most beautiful violet plant. When it seems Kamau is the only man who can't pass the test, will he choose to be honest, quit, or cheat? The Most Beautiful Violet is a fun lesson in integrity as we watch a man's struggle with the possibility of failure. The second in the "IwaTales" series by Andrea Clark, The Most Beautiful Violet encourages children to overcome discouragement without giving up. With Iwa meaning "character" in Yoruba, the series takes classic...
Ayanna's suitors are in a competition to win her hand in marriage. They are given a challenge to prove their worthiness by growing the most beautiful ...
Roberta Adler Olga Samsonova-Jellison Andrea Clark
This book offers the practical, ready-to-use MuSense program. Originally designed for music therapists working with individuals with profound multiple disabilities, the MuSense program provides comprehensive guidance to music therapists on how to effectively work with individuals whose needs can be extremely difficult to meet. Containing a robust, structured, evidence-based protocol of music therapy, and supported by case studies throughout, this book is also an essential resource in treatment planning for other diverse populations needing to develop enhanced body and sensory awareness.
This book offers the practical, ready-to-use MuSense program. Originally designed for music therapists working with individuals with profound multiple...