In the Berlin of 1942, Lilly Wust was married to a soldier and was the mother of four children. Her quiet domestic life was forever changed when she met and fell in love with Jewish Felice Schragenheim. Aimee and Jaguar, as the two called one another, embarked on an ecstatic affair, exchanging letters and poems and even signing a marriage contract. After only a year, their happiness was destroyed by the Gestapo: Felice was taken away to the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Lilly received a last letter from Felice in 1945.
In the Berlin of 1942, Lilly Wust was married to a soldier and was the mother of four children. Her quiet domestic life was forever changed when she m...
Berlin 1942. Lilly Wust, 29, verheiratet, vier Kinder, fhrt das Leben von Millionen deutscher Frauen. Doch dann lernt sie die 21-jhrige Felice Schragenheim kennen - es ist Liebe fast auf den ersten Blick. "Aimee & Jaguar" schmieden Zukunftsplne, schreiben einander Gedichte, Liebesbriefe, schlieen einen Ehevertrag. Als Jaguar-Felice ihrer Geliebten gesteht, dass sie Jdin ist, bindet dieses gefhrliche Geheimnis die beiden Frauen noch enger aneinander. Doch ihr Glck whrt nur kurz. Am 21. August 1944 wird die Jdin Felice verhaftet und deportiert.Erica Fischer lie sich von der 80-jhrigen Lilly...
Berlin 1942. Lilly Wust, 29, verheiratet, vier Kinder, fhrt das Leben von Millionen deutscher Frauen. Doch dann lernt sie die 21-jhrige Felice Schrage...
Berlin 1942. Lilly Wust, twenty-nine, married, four children, led a life as did millions of German women. But then she met the twenty-one-year-old Felice Schragenheim.
It was love almost at first sight. Aimee (Lilly) and Jaguar (Felice) started forging plans for the future. They composed poems and love letters to each other, and wrote their own marriage contract. When Jaguar admitted to her lover that she was Jewish, this dangerous secret drew the two women even closer to each other. But their luck didn't last. On August 21, 1944, Jaguar was arrested and deported.
At the age of...
Berlin 1942. Lilly Wust, twenty-nine, married, four children, led a life as did millions of German women. But then she met the twenty-one-year-old ...