"Phantom World - The Quests" is the second book in a trilogy. It picks up from where the first book "Phantom World" stopped. This sequel tells of the dilemma that King Reiklt faces when his home world, Caredale, is invaded while he must find a mate within a narrow window of time. His mate, and future queen, must have the exact genes to produce an heir that is vital to Caredale's long term security provided by keeping its cloak of invisibility intact. With his people under challenging conditions, his quest for his mate has been fruitless. His last hope is to find the third tribe, another quest...
"Phantom World - The Quests" is the second book in a trilogy. It picks up from where the first book "Phantom World" stopped. This sequel tells of the ...
Phantom World-Princess Mika- is the third book of the Phantom World trilogy. This book reunites the three tribes that separately left their home world in search of another to escape their warring universe. One of the tribes became the Olympians that we know of today as the Greek gods. The reunion is marred by a powerful entity who escaped from his prison in Tartarus where Zeus kept him secured. This tyrant now threatens the peaceful universe where the other two tribes reside. Princess Mika is a scion of the first and third tribes, imbued with extraordinary powers. Her enemy is immortal and of...
Phantom World-Princess Mika- is the third book of the Phantom World trilogy. This book reunites the three tribes that separately left their home world...
Los guardianes se han proclamado a si mismos duenos del mundo. Los humanos cansados de luchar guerras por los guardianes y servirles, se han revelado y planean eliminarlos a todos, pero no les sera facil los guardianes son muy poderosos y poseen magia que los humanos no tienen como enfrentar. Los humanos tendran que luchar una de las guerras mas crueles y sangrientas si quieren librarse de los guardianes."
Los guardianes se han proclamado a si mismos duenos del mundo. Los humanos cansados de luchar guerras por los guardianes y servirles, se han revelado ...