Offers a treatment of the theory and mathematics of fuzzy automata and fuzzy languages. This title compares the different approaches used in fuzzy mathematics and automata and includes proofs of the theoretical results presented. It discusses applications in a variety of fields, including databases, learning systems, and pattern recognition.
Offers a treatment of the theory and mathematics of fuzzy automata and fuzzy languages. This title compares the different approaches used in fuzzy mat...
This ambitious exposition by Malik and Mordeson on the fuzzification of discrete structures not only supplies a solid basic text on this key topic, but also serves as a viable tool for learning basic fuzzy set concepts "from the ground up" due to its unusual lucidity of exposition. While the entire presentation of this book is in a completely traditional setting, with all propositions and theorems provided totally rigorous proofs, the readability of the presentation is not compromised in any way; in fact, the many ex- cellently chosen examples illustrate the often tricky concepts the authors...
This ambitious exposition by Malik and Mordeson on the fuzzification of discrete structures not only supplies a solid basic text on this key topic, bu...
This book is the first to be devoted entirely to fuzzy abstract algebra. It presents an up-to-date version of fuzzy commutative algebra, and focuses on the connection between L-subgroups of a group, and L-subfields of a field.
This book is the first to be devoted entirely to fuzzy abstract algebra. It presents an up-to-date version of fuzzy commutative algebra, and focuses o...