Mandy Miller is an eight year old English girl struggling with her identity coming from a poor family whose father was killed in the second World War. She wants to join the Brownies, but her mother cannot afford the uniform or the club dues. Mandy is faced with many obstacles which she is determined will not stand in her way. She finally achieves her goal; knowing that if she wants to join the Brownies only she Mandy Miller can accomplish that goal
Mandy Miller is an eight year old English girl struggling with her identity coming from a poor family whose father was killed in the second World War....
A propos du livre: PROTO fait partie d'une serie d'episodes successives qui decrivent les aventures d'un Protoceratops ne d'un oeuf petrifie, dans mon jardin a Heywoodsville pres des Chutes Du Niagara, dans l'Ontario, au Canada. PROTO s'est deja fait une reputation etant bien connu au Centre De l'Exposition Artistique Historique Du Niagara. Il est en exposition permanente sous forme d'une grande sculpture faite par moi geny heywood, artiste/auteur, je pourvois a l'imagination des enfants de tous les age
A propos du livre: PROTO fait partie d'une serie d'episodes successives qui decrivent les aventures d'un Protoceratops ne d'un oeuf petrifie, dans mon...