Kenneth Tucker taught English for more than thirty years at Murray State University. During his life he has read much indeed. The Old Lit Professor's Book of Favorite Readings collects a number of writings he finds enjoyable, rewarding, and memorable. Stories, essays, poetry, excerpts from longer works compose a potpourri indeed of exceptional writings ranging from Shakespeare to Sherlock Homes, from authors well-known to promising writers of today, including horror and science fiction as well as the classics. Authors range from Herodotus, Homer, Plato, Juvenal through Petrarch, Marguerite of...
Kenneth Tucker taught English for more than thirty years at Murray State University. During his life he has read much indeed. The Old Lit Professor's ...
Lawman Eliot Ness has been transformed into a legend by the films and television programs that depicted the war he and his "Untouchables" waged against Al Capone and the mobsters of Prohibition-era Chicago. Published by McFarland in 2000, the first edition of this volume analyzed both Ness the person and Ness the myth. This updated and expanded second edition is enhanced by information gathered through interviews with members of the original casts of the TV and film versions of The Untouchables.
Lawman Eliot Ness has been transformed into a legend by the films and television programs that depicted the war he and his "Untouchables" waged agains...
After his adventures in other dimensions based on Arthurian legend and H. Rider Haggards Africa, Hal Morgan finds himself hurled into an alternate reality based upon the operas of Richard Wagner. There Hal must locate the stolen Ring of the Nibelungs and return it to the Rhine Maidens, before its curse can destroy him. Along the way he must contend with treacherous nobles, gnomes, giants, zombies, witches, a dragon, the Flying Dutchman, Valkyries, Norse gods. To defeat his enemies, Hal must join with Wagnerian heroes such as Siegfried and Lohengrin to confront an enemy from his past. Will...
After his adventures in other dimensions based on Arthurian legend and H. Rider Haggards Africa, Hal Morgan finds himself hurled into an alternate rea...
Meet Leo Krull who encountered his dream girl when she emerged from his television screen; Lester Wilthammer, who, when his wife left him, took an almost unimaginable step; Marcus Garth who made a regrettable deal with a human devil during Kentucky's tobacco wars; a werewolf in full hair and fangs who played "Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. I" along with a symphony orchestra; a boy and girl whose first experience with young love becomes entangled with evil-in short stories and novelettes by Kenneth Tucker, tales fanciful, realistic, humorous, and horrifying.
Meet Leo Krull who encountered his dream girl when she emerged from his television screen; Lester Wilthammer, who, when his wife left him, took an alm...