Evgeny Nikolaevich Sokolow John A. Spinks Heikki Lyytinen
An analysis of the orienting response in signal processing. Topics covered include the neuronal organization of colour space, and microlevel analysis of the orienting response through extracellular recording from detectors and novelty-dependent neurons.
An analysis of the orienting response in signal processing. Topics covered include the neuronal organization of colour space, and microlevel analysis ...
This book is a testimony to Evgeny Nikolaevich Sokolov's years of work in developing knowledge in the areas of perception, information processing and attention, and to the research it has spawned. It presents a historical account of a research program, leading the reader toward a cognitive science approach to the study of perception and attention. An understanding of neuroscience and mathematical modeling are helpful prerequisites. The co-authors collected data on orienting, attention, and information processing in the brain using single-cell recordings, central, autonomic, cognitive,...
This book is a testimony to Evgeny Nikolaevich Sokolov's years of work in developing knowledge in the areas of perception, information processing and ...