While diabetes can usually be well-controlled using modern therapies, metabolic emergencies inevitably occur. This book provides an easy-to-read yet comprehensive account of emergencies in diabetes conveniently collected into one volume. For each topic, a brief review of the pathophysiology is followed by a description of cardinal clinical features, clinical and biochemical assessment and clinical management.
Clear, informative text for rapid and easy assimilation
Emphasis on evidence-based medicine
Effective use of illustrations to highlight and summarize key...
While diabetes can usually be well-controlled using modern therapies, metabolic emergencies inevitably occur. This book provides an easy-to-read yet c...
Addressing a topic of utmost importance in the field, this text addresses the epidemiology, diagnosis, assessment, and management of patients with metabolic syndrome-focusing on implications for cardiovascular disease risk. With an abundance of clearly organized tables, flowcharts, and practice guidelines, this blue-ribbon source succinctly analyzes recent clinical trials, compares and assesses recent and emerging therapies, and provides recommendations for the improved assessment and treatment of patients, while supplying a state-of-the-art overview of approaches to optimize and enhance...
Addressing a topic of utmost importance in the field, this text addresses the epidemiology, diagnosis, assessment, and management of patients with met...
Insulin resistance, defined as a reduced biological action of insulin, has emerged as a major factor in the development and progression of a number of common non-communicable diseases in man. The role of insulin resistance in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes is particularly well-established. However, insulin resistance has also come to be regarded as a key component of a broader syndrome of common metabolic defects that conspire to increase the risk of atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. The ramifications of insulin resistance now embrace many different medical specialties.
Insulin resistance, defined as a reduced biological action of insulin, has emerged as a major factor in the development and progression of a number of...
The world is beset by a pandemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes and the need for new drugs is startlingly clear; recent years have seen a huge increase in research activity to fill this gap. The development of new drugs for diabetes and obesity must be founded upon a sound appreciation of the pathophysiology of these common disorders. The dual defects of insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion are fundamental to the pathogenesis and progression of obesity-associated type 2 diabetes. There is a need to explain how new drugs can counter insulin resistance and insulin deficiency to a...
The world is beset by a pandemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes and the need for new drugs is startlingly clear; recent years have seen a huge increas...
The world is beset by a pandemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes and the need for new drugs is startlingly clear; recent years have seen a huge increase in research activity to fill this gap. The development of new drugs for diabetes and obesity must be founded upon a sound appreciation of the pathophysiology of these common disorders. The dual defects of insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion are fundamental to the pathogenesis and progression of obesity-associated type 2 diabetes. There is a need to explain how new drugs can counter insulin resistance and insulin deficiency to a...
The world is beset by a pandemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes and the need for new drugs is startlingly clear; recent years have seen a huge increas...