There is no doubt that nowadays, biology benefits greatly from mathematics. In particular, cellular biology is, besides population dynamics, a field where tech- niques of mathematical modeling are widely used. This is reflected by the large number of journal articles and congress proceedings published every year on the dynamics of complex cellular processes. This applies, among others, to metabolic control analysis, where the number of articles on theoretical fundamentals and experimental applications has increased for about 15 years. Surprisingly, mono- graphs and textbooks dealing with the...
There is no doubt that nowadays, biology benefits greatly from mathematics. In particular, cellular biology is, besides population dynamics, a field w...
In der heutigen Gesellschaft gibt es ein sehr weit verbreitetes Phnomen, das sich aber hauptschlich im Verborgenen abspielt. Jeder kennt sie: Die viel angepriesenen spirituellen Portale im Internet. Aber wenig dringt an die ffentlichkeit ber deren dreiste Methoden, den teils verzweifelten und hilfesuchenden Kunden das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Dieses Bchlein soll eine Hilfestellung fr die Menschen sein, die sich schon in dieser abhngigen Situation befinden. Und eine Warnung fr die Menschen, die beabsichtigen, sich in diese Situation zu begeben.
In der heutigen Gesellschaft gibt es ein sehr weit verbreitetes Phnomen, das sich aber hauptschlich im Verborgenen abspielt. Jeder kennt sie: Die viel...
Proceedings of the Fifth International Biothermokinetics Meeting held in Bordeaux-Bombannes, France, September 1992. The volume is divided into seven sections: thermodynamics and kinetics of transport processes and biological energy transduction; modeling of cell processes with applications to biote
Proceedings of the Fifth International Biothermokinetics Meeting held in Bordeaux-Bombannes, France, September 1992. The volume is divided into seven ...
There is no doubt that nowadays, biology benefits greatly from mathematics. In particular, cellular biology is, besides population dynamics, a field where tech niques of mathematical modeling are widely used. This is reflected by the large number of journal articles and congress proceedings published every year on the dynamics of complex cellular processes. This applies, among others, to metabolic control analysis, where the number of articles on theoretical fundamentals and experimental applications has increased for about 15 years. Surprisingly, mono graphs and textbooks dealing with the...
There is no doubt that nowadays, biology benefits greatly from mathematics. In particular, cellular biology is, besides population dynamics, a field w...