In this collection, 35 authors, from Britain, Canada, Israel, and the United States cover the full range of Jewish philosophy, concentrating upon the philosophical interest of the ideas themselves. No attempt has been made to deal with every single Jewish philosopher, but the major schools of thought and controversy are dealt with in this collection, and bibliographical information is supplied by the individual authors. The discussion ranges from the Bible itself to postmodern trends, from the thought of Moses Maimonides to those who discuss the nature of the Holocaust. The links between...
In this collection, 35 authors, from Britain, Canada, Israel, and the United States cover the full range of Jewish philosophy, concentrating upon the ...
The influential leaders, institutions, and texts that make up rabbinic culture have held a central place in Judaism since the Middle Ages and have given Jewish cultures across the world remarkably uniform systems of law and doctrines into the modern period. Even so, dissent from mainstream rabbinic culture always existed, prompted by matters such as textual interpretation, differences of authority, and definitions of spirituality. Rabbinic Culture and Its Critics exposes some of the views of these often-overlooked critics, sectarians, and so-called heretics as an important historical...
The influential leaders, institutions, and texts that make up rabbinic culture have held a central place in Judaism since the Middle Ages and have ...
This volume contains fifteen articles on the communal, social, and intellectual life of medieval Jewry in Islamic lands. The book is divided into three parts. Part I, 'Communities and Their Leaders' is devoted to the old Babylonian center in the East and the Andalusian community in the West. Part II, 'Self-Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Others' investigates the ways in which medieval Jews living under Islam viewed their gentile neighbours and expressed their own identity. Part III, 'Religious Philosophy, Mysticism, and Spirituality in Islam and Judaism' explores the impact of Islamic...
This volume contains fifteen articles on the communal, social, and intellectual life of medieval Jewry in Islamic lands. The book is divided into thre...
The Jewish Bible commentary was created in the Islamic East during the tenth century by scholars seeking a rational, systematic approach to Scripture. Among its earliest champions were the Karaites, scripturalists who denied rabbinic authority. Seeking to restore Judaism to its biblical roots, they wrote numerous commentaries in Judeo-Arabic. Through the investigation of key topics, this book traces the contours of early Karaite biblical exegesis. Subjects covered include: halakhic indeterminacy; dream interpretation; the Song of Songs as salvation history; Psalms exegesis as liturgical...
The Jewish Bible commentary was created in the Islamic East during the tenth century by scholars seeking a rational, systematic approach to Scripture....
Die F lle der Informationen von Ausgrabungen und Publikationen der r mischen Stadtforschung und ihren zugeh rigen Forschungsgebieten ist kaum mehr zu berblicken. Die Komplexit t, was eine Stadt der Kaiserzeit definiert, wirft immer wieder neue Fragen und Probleme auf. Die in dieser Arbeit behandelten Themen ergeben einen berblick der r mischen Stadtentwicklung im Hinblick auf kaiserliche Propaganda, Ideologisierung und Romanisierung von St dten. Augustus leitet den Beginn der kaiserlichen Repr sentation ein. Es sind Vorgaben und Umsetzung der Bauprogramme in den ffentlichen Bereichen ma...
Die F lle der Informationen von Ausgrabungen und Publikationen der r mischen Stadtforschung und ihren zugeh rigen Forschungsgebieten ist kaum mehr zu ...
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Archaologie, Note: 2, Universitat Salzburg (Altertumswissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Fulle der Informationen von Ausgrabungen und Publikationen der romischen Stadtforschung und ihren zugehorigen Forschungsgebieten ist kaum mehr zu uberblicken. Die Komplexitat, was eine Stadt der Kaiserzeit definiert, wirft immer wieder neue Fragen und Probleme auf. Die in dieser Arbeit behandelten Themen ergeben einen Uberblick der romischen Stadtentwicklung im Hinblick auf kaiserliche Propaganda, Ideologisierung und Romanisierung von Stadten....
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Archaologie, Note: 2, Universitat Salzburg (Altertumswissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die ...
Unterweisung / Unterweisungsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich AdA Handwerk / Produktion / Gewerbe - Mechanische Berufe, Metall und Kunststoff, Note: 2,3, HWK Aurich, - Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1.Allgemeine Information Ausbildungsberuf und Ausbildungsthema In dem Ausbildungsberuf des Feiwerkmechaniker/in lautet das Unterweisungsthema Herstellen eines Metrischen Innengewindes von Hand bis zu einer Grosse von M10" Quelle Das Thema ist laut dem Ausbildungsrahmenplan Feinwerkmechaniker/-in Berufliche Fachbildung Lfd.Nr. 10 d fur das 1. Ausbildungsjahr...
Unterweisung / Unterweisungsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich AdA Handwerk / Produktion / Gewerbe - Mechanische Berufe, Metall und Kunststoff, ...
In this innovative volume contemporary philosophers respond to classic works of Jewish philosophy. For each of twelve central topics in Jewish philosophy, Jewish philosophical readings, drawn from the medieval period through the twentieth century, appear alongside an invited contribution that engages both the readings and the contemporary philosophical literature in a constructive dialogue. The twelve topics are organized into four sections, and each section commences with an overview of the ensuing dialogue and concludes with a list of further readings. The introduction to the volume...
In this innovative volume contemporary philosophers respond to classic works of Jewish philosophy. For each of twelve central topics in Jewish phil...