This book is an outgrowth of ideas originating from 1. Kluvanek. Unfortunately, Professor Kluvanek did not live to contribute to the project of writing up in a systematic form, the circle of ideas to which the present work is devoted. It is more than likely that with his input, the approach and areas of emphasis of the resulting exposition would have been quite different from what we have here. Nevertheless, the stamp of Kluvanek's thought and philosophy (but not necessarily his approval) abounds throughout this book. Although the title gives no indication, integration theory in vector spaces...
This book is an outgrowth of ideas originating from 1. Kluvanek. Unfortunately, Professor Kluvanek did not live to contribute to the project of writin...
Forming functions of operators is a basic task of many areas of linear analysis and quantum physics. Weyl's functional calculus, initially applied to the position and momentum operators of quantum mechanics, also makes sense for finite systems of selfadjoint operators. By using the Cauchy integral formula available from Clifford analysis, the book examines how functions of a finite collection of operators can be formed when the Weyl calculus is not defined. The technique is applied to the determination of the support of the fundamental solution of a symmetric hyperbolic system of partial...
Forming functions of operators is a basic task of many areas of linear analysis and quantum physics. Weyl's functional calculus, initially applied ...
The evolution of a physical system can often be described in terms of a semigroup of linear operators. Observations of the system may be modelled by a spectral measure. A combination of these basic objects produces a family of operator valued set functions, by which perturbations of the evolution are represented as path integrals. In this book, random processes measured by operator valued set functions - evolution processes - are systematically examined for the first time. The Feynman-Kac formula, representing perturbations of the heat semigroup in terms of integrals with respect to Wiener...
The evolution of a physical system can often be described in terms of a semigroup of linear operators. Observations of the system may be modelled by a...