As with any art, science, or discipline, natural talent is only part of the equation. Consistent success stems from honing your skills, cultivating good techniques, and hard work. Design engineering, a field often considered an intuitive process not amenable to scientific investigation, is no exception. Providing descriptive theory, broad context, and practical examples, Design Engineering: A Manual for Enhanced Creativity explores how to quantify creativity, codify inspiration, and document a process seemingly based solely on intuition. The authors discuss how to clarify the design...
As with any art, science, or discipline, natural talent is only part of the equation. Consistent success stems from honing your skills, cultivating...
It is the aim of this study to present a framework for the design of technical systems. This can be achieved through a general Design Science, a knowledge system in which products are seen as objects to be developed within engineering design processes. The authors have developed this design science from a division of the knowledge system along two axes. One deals with knowledge about technical systems and design processes while the other presents descriptive statements. Relationships among the various sections of the knowledge system are made clear. Well-known insights into engineering...
It is the aim of this study to present a framework for the design of technical systems. This can be achieved through a general Design Science, a knowl...
Designing engineering products - technical systems and/or transformation processes - requires a range of information, know-how, experience, and engineering analysis, to find an optimal solution. Creativity and open-mindedness can be greatly assisted by systematic design engineering, which will ultimately lead to improved outcomes, documentation, and management.
This book applies systematic and methodical conceptualization to abstract models of engineering systems. These can be be used as needed for developing candidate solutions. The recommended engineering design process...
Designing engineering products - technical systems and/or transformation processes - requires a range of information, know-how, experience, and eng...
Mit diesem Buch wird das Konstruieren, eine der Hauptaufgaben des Ingenieurs, auf ein wissenschaftliches Fundament gestellt. Dies geschieht inerster Linie mit dem Ziel, Studenten von Universit{ten und Fachhochschulen in eine neue Denkweise einzuf}hren, die ihre sp{tere praktische Arbeit zu systematisieren gestattet. Es wendet sich aber auch an den bereits konstruktiv t{tigen Ingenieur, dem es sein meist extrem umfangreiches Wissenordnen hilft. Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Teile: I. die Beschreibung des Konstruktionsprozesses, II. der Weg von loser Wissensanh{ufung zur Ordnung, III. die...
Mit diesem Buch wird das Konstruieren, eine der Hauptaufgaben des Ingenieurs, auf ein wissenschaftliches Fundament gestellt. Dies geschieht inerster L...