A collection of 28 refereed papers grouped according to four broad topics: duality and optimality conditions, optimization algorithms, optimal control, and variational inequality and equilibrium problems. Suitable for researchers, practitioners and postgrads.
A collection of 28 refereed papers grouped according to four broad topics: duality and optimality conditions, optimization algorithms, optimal cont...
This volume is a comprehensive treatment of the development of the generalized Newton method for solving nonsmooth equations and related problems which grow out of science, engineering, economics and business. It looks at further investigations of this topic oriented towards applications in optimization.
This volume is a comprehensive treatment of the development of the generalized Newton method for solving nonsmooth equations and related problems whic...
A collection of 28 refereed papers grouped according to four broad topics: duality and optimality conditions, optimization algorithms, optimal control, and variational inequality and equilibrium problems. Suitable for researchers, practitioners and postgrads.
A collection of 28 refereed papers grouped according to four broad topics: duality and optimality conditions, optimization algorithms, optimal cont...
The concept of "reformulation" has long been playing an important role in mathematical programming. A classical example is the penalization technique in constrained optimization that transforms the constraints into the objective function via a penalty function thereby reformulating a constrained problem as an equivalent or approximately equivalent unconstrained problem. More recent trends consist of the reformulation of various mathematical programming prob lems, including variational inequalities and complementarity problems, into equivalent systems of possibly nonsmooth, piecewise smooth or...
The concept of "reformulation" has long been playing an important role in mathematical programming. A classical example is the penalization technique ...
It also addresses higher-order diffusion tensor imaging, third-order symmetric and traceless tensors in liquid crystals, piezoelectric tensors, strong ellipticity for elasticity tensors, and higher-order tensors in quantum physics.
It also addresses higher-order diffusion tensor imaging, third-order symmetric and traceless tensors in liquid crystals, piezoelectric tensors, strong...