In 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the year 2000 as the "due date" for world health. The Alma Ata declaration set the turn of the century as the target for a level of health that would permit all people of the world to lead a socially and economically productive life. ' At that (magic but arbitrary) date most infectious diseases and many chronic conditions, including diabetes and cancer, were expected to have been eradicated or at least controlled. Such predictions were based on solid foundations. In the 1 20 h century, and particularly since the 1970's, Western science...
In 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the year 2000 as the "due date" for world health. The Alma Ata declaration set the turn of the...
Medical healing implies knowledge of the assumptions that underlie our understanding of "health," and, concomitantly, how we define well being and its opposites, illness and disease. Today, health, health care (business, wellness, recreation), and medicine (especially research-driven scientific medicine) have become separate entities with different institutions, budgets, marketing philosophies and "corporate cultures." Furthermore, healing is individual and subjective, yet at the same time also culturally determined. The present volume brings together papers on these topics in an unique...
Medical healing implies knowledge of the assumptions that underlie our understanding of "health," and, concomitantly, how we define well being and ...
In 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the year 2000 as the "due date" for world health. The Alma Ata declaration set the turn of the century as the target for a level of health that would permit all people of the world to lead a socially and economically productive life. ' At that (magic but arbitrary) date most infectious diseases and many chronic conditions, including diabetes and cancer, were expected to have been eradicated or at least controlled. Such predictions were based on solid foundations. In the 1 20 h century, and particularly since the 1970's, Western science...
In 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the year 2000 as the "due date" for world health. The Alma Ata declaration set the turn of the...
Medical healing implies knowledge of the assumptions that underlie our understanding of "health," and, concomitantly, how we define well being and its opposites, illness and disease. Today, health, health care (business, wellness, recreation), and medicine (especially research-driven scientific medicine) have become separate entities with different institutions, budgets, marketing philosophies and "corporate cultures." Furthermore, healing is individual and subjective, yet at the same time also culturally determined. The present volume brings together papers on these topics in an unique...
Medical healing implies knowledge of the assumptions that underlie our understanding of "health," and, concomitantly, how we define well being and ...
Noch immer sterben ber die H lfte aller Patienten in direkter Folge eines Herzinfarktes. Eine wichtige Ursache hierf r ist die derzeitige begrenzte M glichkeit der Pr vention. Es fehlen die Kenntnisse der bergangsphase von chronischer Herzkrankheit zum akuten Herzinfarkt. In diese Wissensl cke st t dieses Buch. Ausgehend von der zirkadianen Variation des Herzinfarktes - er tritt morgens dreimal h ufiger auf als zu anderen Tageszeiten - stellt es die zugrundeliegenden m glichen ausl senden Mechanismen und die pathophysiologischen Abl ufe dieser Erkrankung dar. Es informiert zudem ber die...
Noch immer sterben ber die H lfte aller Patienten in direkter Folge eines Herzinfarktes. Eine wichtige Ursache hierf r ist die derzeitige begrenzte M ...