Carbon and carbon dioxide always played an important role in the geobiosphere that is part of the Earth s outer shell and surface environment. The book s eleven chapters cover the fundamentals of the biogeochemical behavior of carbon near the Earth s surface, in the atmosphere, minerals, waters, air-sea exchange, and inorganic and biological processes fractionating the carbon isotopes, and its role in the evolution of inorganic and biogenic sediments, ocean water, the coupling to nutrient nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, and the future of the carbon cycle in the Anthropocene.
Carbon and carbon dioxide always played an important role in the geobiosphere that is part of the Earth s outer shell and surface environment. The ...
Carbon and carbon dioxide always played an important role in the geobiosphere that is part of the Earth s outer shell and surface environment. The book s eleven chapters cover the fundamentals of the biogeochemical behavior of carbon near the Earth s surface, in the atmosphere, minerals, waters, air-sea exchange, and inorganic and biological processes fractionating the carbon isotopes, and its role in the evolution of inorganic and biogenic sediments, ocean water, the coupling to nutrient nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, and the future of the carbon cycle in the Anthropocene.
Carbon and carbon dioxide always played an important role in the geobiosphere that is part of the Earth s outer shell and surface environment. The ...
A lake, as a body of water, is in continuous interaction with the rocks and soils in its drainage basin, the atmosphere, and surface and groundwaters. Human industrial and agricultural activities introduce new inputs and processes into lake systems. This volume is a selection of ten contributions dealing with diverse aspects of lake systems, including such subjects as the geological controls of lake basins and their histories, mixing and circulation patterns in lakes, gaseous exchange between the water and atmosphere, and human input to lakes through atmospheric precipitation and surficial...
A lake, as a body of water, is in continuous interaction with the rocks and soils in its drainage basin, the atmosphere, and surface and groundwaters....