This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, IPCO '95, held in Copenhagen in May 1995 under the sponsorship of the Mathematical Programming Society. Integer programming and combinatorial optimization provide a fruitful theoretical and algorithmic basis for the solution of a number of optimization problems occuring in real-world situations, such as production planning and scheduling, routing, crew scheduling, or network construction. This volume presents 36 revised papers selected from a total of 105...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, IPCO '95, held i...
"Will to Freedom" is an eyewitness account of the social and political upheaval that shook Eastern Europe from the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s. As an underground resistance fighter, political prisoner, fugitive, and Communist Party official, Egon Balas charts his journey from idealistic young Communist to disenchanted dissident.Attracted by its anti-Nazi stance, Balas joined the Hungarian Communist Party in 1942, after Hungary had entered the war on Hitler's side. He helped organize work stoppages and distributed antiwar leaflets. In his memoir, he offers a compelling account first of his...
"Will to Freedom" is an eyewitness account of the social and political upheaval that shook Eastern Europe from the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s. As an u...
Wieviele Schritte muss ein Mensch gehen und wie gefahrlich sind seine Wege, wieviel Leid ertragt ein Mensch und woher nimmt er die Kraft, um die einzige Bahn zu beschreiten, die fur ihn wichtig ist: die zur Freiheit ohne Verlust seiner Rechtschaffenheit? Egon Balas erzahlt in dieser ungemein fesselnd geschriebenen Autobiographie von den Wegen, die ihn aus Transsilvanien nach Pennsylvania fuhrten, auf denen der 1922 in Klausenburg (Kolozsvar ung., Cluj rum.) geborene Sohn einer ungarisch-judischen Familie zum beruhmten Mathematiker wurde, der seit 1966 in den USA lebt. Die Leser dieses...
Wieviele Schritte muss ein Mensch gehen und wie gefahrlich sind seine Wege, wieviel Leid ertragt ein Mensch und woher nimmt er die Kraft, um die ei...