Ortwin Renn Thomas Wehler Peter Wiedemann In late July of 1992 the small and remote mountain resort of Morschach in the Swiss Alps became a lively place of discussion, debate, and discourse. Over a three-day period twenty-two analysts and practitioners of public participation from the United States and Europe came together to address one of the most pressing issues in contemporary environmental politics: How can environmental policies be designed in a way that achieves both effective protection of nature and an adequate representation of public values? In other words, how can we make the...
Ortwin Renn Thomas Wehler Peter Wiedemann In late July of 1992 the small and remote mountain resort of Morschach in the Swiss Alps became a lively pla...
Neue Technologien, deren Risikopotenziale noch im Dunkeln liegen, losen oftmals Angste und Befurchtungen aus. Ist das Vorsorgeprinzip geeignet, damit umzugehen? Mit dieser Frage befasst sich das vorliegende Buch. Auf der Basis empirischer Forschung wird gezeigt, dass das vorsorgende Risikomanagement alle ideologischen Sehnsuchte abweisen muss. Erst evidenz-basierte Informations- und Kommunikationsstrategien bieten einen tragfahigen Ansatz, um fatale Fehler zu vermeiden.
Neue Technologien, deren Risikopotenziale noch im Dunkeln liegen, losen oftmals Angste und Befurchtungen aus. Ist das Vorsorgeprinzip geeignet, damit ...
Ortwin Renn Thomas Wehler Peter Wiedemann In late July of 1992 the small and remote mountain resort of Morschach in the Swiss Alps became a lively place of discussion, debate, and discourse. Over a three-day period twenty-two analysts and practitioners of public participation from the United States and Europe came together to address one of the most pressing issues in contemporary environmental politics: How can environmental policies be designed in a way that achieves both effective protection of nature and an adequate representation of public values? In other words, how can we make the...
Ortwin Renn Thomas Wehler Peter Wiedemann In late July of 1992 the small and remote mountain resort of Morschach in the Swiss Alps became a lively pla...