Die langfristige Sieherung der natiirliehen Lebensgrundlagen, wirtschaftliehe Stabilitat und soziale Vertragliehkeit bilden die drei Dimensionen, die das Leitbild der Nachhaltigkeit zu vereinbaren sueht. Dabei verlangt nachhaltige Entwicklung einen Riehtungswechsel, wenn es zukiinftig gelingen soli, nieht mehr yom Naturkapital selbst, sondem von den Zinsen zu leben. Die Idee, aueh kiinftigen Generationen eine lebenswerte Umwelt zu hinterlassen, findet breite Zustimmung, doch iiber das Wie herrscht Unsieherheit. Wie konnen die Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gefunden werden, und wie sieht...
Die langfristige Sieherung der natiirliehen Lebensgrundlagen, wirtschaftliehe Stabilitat und soziale Vertragliehkeit bilden die drei Dimensionen, die ...
This book evaluates and compares risk regulation and safety management for offshore oil and gas operations in the United States, United Kingdom, Norway and Australia. It provides an interdisciplinary approach with legal, technological and sociological perspectives on efforts to assess and prevent major accidents and improve safety performance. Presented in three parts, it begins with a review of the factors involved in designing, implementing and enforcing a regulatory regime for industrial safety. It then evaluates the four regimes exploring the contextual factors that influence their design...
This book evaluates and compares risk regulation and safety management for offshore oil and gas operations in the United States, United Kingdom, Norwa...
Risk is a part of life. How we handle uncertainty and deal with potential threats influence decision making throughout our lives. In "The Risk Society Revisited, " Eugene A. Rosa, Ortwin Renn, and Aaron M. McCright offer the first book to present an integrated theory of risk and governance.
The authors examine our sociological understanding of risk and how we reconcile modern human conditions with our handling of risk in our quest for improved quality of life. They build a new framework for understanding risk one that provides an innovative connection between social theory and the...
Risk is a part of life. How we handle uncertainty and deal with potential threats influence decision making throughout our lives. In "The Risk Soci...
Education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is crucial for taking advantage of the prospects of new scientific discoveries initiating or promoting technological changes, and managing opportunities and risks associated with innovations. This book explores the emerging perspectives and methodologies of STEM education and its relationship to the cultural understanding of science and technology in an international context.
The authors provide a unique perspective on the subject, presenting materials and experiences from non-European industrialized as well as...
Education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is crucial for taking advantage of the prospects of new scientific discoveries...