Gender constructions do not stop at state boundaries.
Global understandings of masculinity and femininity can emerge out of the matrix of international politics. Proposing an innovative conception of global politics by de-emphasizing state actors and instead analyzing competing transnational discourses, The Global Construction of Gender focuses specifically on people who work at home for pay. Prugl explores the debates and rhetoric surrounding home-based workers that have taken place in global movements and multilateral organizations since the early 1900s in order to trace...
Gender constructions do not stop at state boundaries.
Global understandings of masculinity and femininity can emerge out of the matrix of ...
Homeworkers in Global Perspective documents the lives of homeworkers, exploring state policies towards them, and describing the innovative ways in which homeworkers organize. Moving away from well-known, already explored cases, the essays focus on less-known but equally compelling examples organize, and covers the major geographic regions of the world and illustrates the diversity of home-based work and homeworker organizing.
Homeworkers in Global Perspective documents the lives of homeworkers, exploring state policies towards them, and describing the innovative ways in whi...
This volume provides an overview of EU actions seeking to manage diversity, introduces a conceptual framework to think about diversity in the European Union, and provides a tapestry of cases that illustrate minority politics and activism, contestations over identity and difference, and the construction of new meanings of European citizenship.
This volume provides an overview of EU actions seeking to manage diversity, introduces a conceptual framework to think about diversity in the European...
Gender constructions do not stop at state boundaries.
Global understandings of masculinity and femininity can emerge out of the matrix of international politics. Proposing an innovative conception of global politics by de-emphasizing state actors and instead analyzing competing transnational discourses, The Global Construction of Gender focuses specifically on people who work at home for pay. Prugl explores the debates and rhetoric surrounding home-based workers that have taken place in global movements and multilateral organizations since the early 1900s in order to trace...
Gender constructions do not stop at state boundaries.
Global understandings of masculinity and femininity can emerge out of the matrix of ...
This title takes the formation of UN Women as an opportunity to reflect on issues, providing a broad overview on diverse feminist strategies in international governance.
This title takes the formation of UN Women as an opportunity to reflect on issues, providing a broad overview on diverse feminist strategies in intern...