The title gives a reasonable ?rst-order approximation to what this book is about. To explain why, let's start with the expression "di?erential equations." These are essential in science and engineering, because the laws of nature t- ically result in equations relating spatial and temporal changes in one or more variables.Todevelopanunderstandingofwhatisinvolvedin?ndingsolutions, the book begins with problems involving derivatives for only one independent variable, and these give rise to ordinary di?erential equations. Speci?cally, the ?rst chapter considers initial value problems (time...
The title gives a reasonable ?rst-order approximation to what this book is about. To explain why, let's start with the expression "di?erential equatio...
The title gives a reasonable ?rst-order approximation to what this book is about. To explain why, let's start with the expression "di?erential equations." These are essential in science and engineering, because the laws of nature t- ically result in equations relating spatial and temporal changes in one or more variables.Todevelopanunderstandingofwhatisinvolvedin?ndingsolutions, the book begins with problems involving derivatives for only one independent variable, and these give rise to ordinary di?erential equations. Speci?cally, the ?rst chapter considers initial value problems (time...
The title gives a reasonable ?rst-order approximation to what this book is about. To explain why, let's start with the expression "di?erential equatio...