Not since the late 1970s has a single work presented the biology of this heterogenous group of secondary alkaloids in such depth. Alkaloids, a unique treatise featuring leaders in the field, presents both the historical use of alkaloids and the latest discoveries in
the biochemistry of alkaloid production in plants
alkaloid ecology, including marine invertebrates, animal and plant parasites, and
alkaloids as antimicrobial and current medicinal use
. Highlights include chapters on the chemical ecology of alkaloids in host-predator...
Not since the late 1970s has a single work presented the biology of this heterogenous group of secondary alkaloids in such depth. Alkaloids, ...
This brand new Annual Plant Reviews volume is the second edition of the highly successful and well-received Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 2.
This exciting new volume provides an up-to-date survey of the biochemistry and physiology of plant secondary metabolism. The volume commences with an overview of the biochemistry, physiology and function of secondary metabolism, followed by detailed reviews of the major groups of secondary metabolites: alkaloids and betalains, cyanogenic glucosides, glucosinolates and nonprotein amino acids, phenyl propanoids and related phenolics, terpenoids,...
This brand new Annual Plant Reviews volume is the second edition of the highly successful and well-received Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 2.
International renommierte Autoren zeichnen in Band 54 der Heidelberger Jahrbucher "Menschen-Bilder" und stellen damit das "Humane in der Wissenschaft" dar. Dabei legen sie innovative Fragestellungen zugrunde und betrachten diese Menschen-Bilder je nach wissenschaftlicher Disziplin aus ganz unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln.
International renommierte Autoren zeichnen in Band 54 der Heidelberger Jahrbucher "Menschen-Bilder" und stellen damit das "Humane in der Wissenscha...
Die gut eingefuhrte "Evolutionsbiologie" von Volker Storch, Ulrich Welsch und Michael Wink liegt inzwischen in 3., sehr grundlich uberarbeiteter und aktualisierter Neuauflage vor. Die Autoren schildern den bisherigen Ablauf der Evolution der Organismen durch die Jahrmillionen, die molekularen Grundlagen der Evolution und - unter verschiedenen Aspekten - die Evolution des Menschen und seiner nachsten Verwandten. Zahlreiche Exkurse, viele von renommierten Wissenschaftlern verfasst, erlautern besonders aktuelle Themen.
Die gut eingefuhrte "Evolutionsbiologie" von Volker Storch, Ulrich Welsch und Michael Wink liegt inzwischen in 3., sehr grundlich uberarbeiteter und a...
Medicinal plants and plant-derived medicine are widely used in traditional cultures all over the world, and they are becoming increasingly popular in modern society as natural alternatives to synthetic chemicals. As more and more natural remedies are being commercialized, there is a need for a user-friendly reference guide to the plants and their products.
This reference gives the reader a bird's eye view of more than 350 of the best known medicinal plants of the world and their uses, in a compact, colorful, and scientifically accurate text. It provides quick answers to the most...
Medicinal plants and plant-derived medicine are widely used in traditional cultures all over the world, and they are becoming increasingly popular in ...