The aim of this graduate textbook is to provide a comprehensive advanced course in the theory of statistics covering those topics in estimation, testing, and large sample theory which a graduate student might typically need to learn as preparation for work on a Ph.D. An important strength of this book is that it provides a mathematically rigorous and even-handed account of both Classical and Bayesian inference in order to give readers a broad perspective. For example, the "uniformly most powerful" approach to testing is contrasted with available decision-theoretic approaches.
The aim of this graduate textbook is to provide a comprehensive advanced course in the theory of statistics covering those topics in estimation, testi...
Abgesehen von einigen stilistischen Anderungen ist die vorliegende Arbeit identisch mit einer Habilitations schrift, die den medizinischen Fachbereichen der Univer sitat mainz im Fach medizinische Statistik und Dokumen tation im Jahr 1976 vorgelegt wurde. Herrn Professor S. Koller danke ich, daO er diese Arbeit gefordert hat. Von ihm, meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen am Institut fur medizinische Statistik und am Institut fur mathematische Statistik erhielt ich zahlreiche Anregungen. Die Programmierung der verschiedenen verwendeten Verfah ren wurde insbesondere von den Herren T. Wehner, H....
Abgesehen von einigen stilistischen Anderungen ist die vorliegende Arbeit identisch mit einer Habilitations schrift, die den medizinischen Fachbereich...
Like the first two volumes, this third volume of case studies presents detailed applications of Bayesian statistical analysis, emphasizing the sci entific context. The papers were presented and discussed at a workshop at Carnegie Mellon University, October 5-7, 1995. In this volume, which is dedicated to the memory of Morris H. DeGroot, econometric applica tions are highlighted. There are six invited papers, each with accompany ing invited discussion, and eight contributed papers (which were selected following refereeing). In addition, we include prefatory recollections about Morrie DeGroot...
Like the first two volumes, this third volume of case studies presents detailed applications of Bayesian statistical analysis, emphasizing the sci ent...