No field of contemporary biomedical science has been more revolutionized by the techniques of molecular biology than developmental biology. This is an outstanding concise introduction to developmental biology that takes a contemporary approach to describing the complex process that transforms an egg into an adult organism. The book features exceptionally clear two-color illustrations, and is designed for use in both undergraduate and graduate level courses. The book is especially noteworthy for its treatment of development in model organisms, whose contributions to developmental biology were...
No field of contemporary biomedical science has been more revolutionized by the techniques of molecular biology than developmental biology. This is an...
This book describes human development including sexual reproduction and stem cell research with the development of model organisms that are accessible to genetic and experimental analysis in readily understandable texts and 315 multi-colored graphics. The introductory account of model organisms selected from the entire animal kingdom presents general principles, which are then outlined in subsequent chapters devoted to, for example, sexual development; genes controlling development and their contemporary molecular-analysis methods; production of clones and transgenic animals; development of...
This book describes human development including sexual reproduction and stem cell research with the development of model organisms that are accessible...
Die ungeheure Menge an Faktenwissen, das die Biologie heutzutage vorweist, erlaubt es kaum noch jemandem, einen Blick zuruck auf die Wissenschaftsgeschichte zu werfen. Und doch bietet ein solcher Ruckblick ein spannendes Erlebnis. Von den Philosophen des antiken Griechenland bis zu Darwin und weiter bis zu Ganzheitslehren einerseits und Versuchen der jungsten Zeit, Leben im Labor neu zu erzeugen, andererseits, fuhrt dieser konzentrierte Fuhrer durch die europaische Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Goethe und seine Zeitgenossen, die einen revolutionaren Wandel des Weltbildes...
Die ungeheure Menge an Faktenwissen, das die Biologie heutzutage vorweist, erlaubt es kaum noch jemandem, einen Blick zuruck auf die Wissenschaftsg...