Taiwan's Development Experience: Lessons on Roles of Government andMarket scrutinizes the main features of the Taiwanese development experience under five interrelated themes and domains:
Outward-orientation vs. inward-orientation;
Sources of growth;
Dynamic balanced growth process: the interaction between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors;
The role of government in the transition to a more market-oriented economy; and
The potential transferability of the Taiwanese development experience to developing countries.
Taiwan's Development Experience: Lessons on Roles of Government andMarket scrutinizes the main features of the Taiwanese developmen...
Is the East Asian growth record replicable today? This book answers: yes. It places the common East Asian theme in the theoretic context of product cycles, globalization and convergence and the historical perspective of the "German Miracle" after World War II, also the more recent Irish growth; it identifies the effective policies for sustained, rapid growth by structured comparisons among different economies; it evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the alternative policy packages of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, in the light of such recent events like global trend for...
Is the East Asian growth record replicable today? This book answers: yes. It places the common East Asian theme in the theoretic context of product...
At a time of robust worldwide debates on globalization, this compact volume shows - how successful each of the East Asian economies have been in harnessing globalization by appropriate and alternative means to catch up with the advanced economies and - what implications can be drawn to assess Chinese economic growth in context. The essays in this book include supporting notes to review effectively the highlights of the development of East Asia, over the six decades after World War II: - why the region has performed so well economically relative to the rest of the developing...
At a time of robust worldwide debates on globalization, this compact volume shows - how successful each of the East Asian economies have been in ha...
At a time of robust worldwide debates on globalization, this compact volume showshow successful each of the East Asian economies have been in harnessing globalization by appropriate and alternative means to catch up with the advanced economies andwhat implications can be drawn to assess Chinese economic growth in context.The essays in this book include supporting notes to review effectively the highlights of the development of East Asia, over the six decades after World War II: why the region has performed so well economically relative to the rest of the developing worldwhich are the most...
At a time of robust worldwide debates on globalization, this compact volume showshow successful each of the East Asian economies have been in harnessi...