Arranged as a series of sermons, the book of Deuteronomy represents the final major segment of the biography of Moses. The sermons review events described in earlier books and challenges Israel to faithful living in the future.
The theological significance of Deuteronomy cannot be overestimated. Few books in the Bible proclaim such a relevant word of grace and gospel to the church today. At its heart, Deuteronomy records the covenantal relationship between God and his people. God graciously has chosen Israel as his covenant partner and has demonstrated his covenantal commitment to...
Arranged as a series of sermons, the book of Deuteronomy represents the final major segment of the biography of Moses. The sermons review events de...
Obadiah, part of the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament series, serves pastors and teachers by providing them with a careful analysis and interpretation of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament book of Obadiah, quickly allowing pastors to grasp the big idea of the passage and how it fits in its larger context.
Obadiah, part of the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament series, serves pastors and teachers by providing them with a careful analysi...