The book could be a good companion for any graduate student in partial differential equations or in applied mathematics. Each chapter brings indeed new ideas and new techniques which can be used in these fields. The differents chapters can be read independently and are of great pedagogical value. The advanced researcher will find along the book the most recent achievements in various fields.
Independent chapters
Most recent advances in each fields
Hight didactic quality
Self contained
Excellence of the contributors
Wide range of...
The book could be a good companion for any graduate student in partial differential equations or in applied mathematics. Each chapter brings indeed ne...
A collection of self contained, state-of-the-art surveys. The authors have made an effort to achieve readability for mathematicians and scientists from other fields, for this series of handbooks to be a new reference for research, learning and teaching.
Partial differential equations represent one of the most rapidly developing topics in mathematics. This is due to their numerous applications in science and engineering on the one hand and to the challenge and beauty of associated mathematical problems on the other.
Key features:
- Self-contained volume in series covering...
A collection of self contained, state-of-the-art surveys. The authors have made an effort to achieve readability for mathematicians and scientists fro...
This handbook is volume III in a series devoted to stationary partial differential quations. Similarly as volumes I and II, it is a collection of self contained state-of-the-art surveys written by well known experts in the field. The topics covered by this handbook include singular and higher order equations, problems near critically, problems with anisotropic nonlinearities, dam problem, T-convergence and Schauder-type estimates. These surveys will be useful for both beginners and experts and speed up the progress of corresponding (rapidly developing and fascinating) areas of mathematics.
This handbook is volume III in a series devoted to stationary partial differential quations. Similarly as volumes I and II, it is a collection of self...
A collection of self contained state-of-the art surveys. The authors have made an effort to achieve readability for mathematicians and scientists from other fields, for this series of handbooks to be a new reference for research, learning and teaching.
- written by well-known experts in the field - self contained volume in series covering one of the most rapid developing topics in mathematics
A collection of self contained state-of-the art surveys. The authors have made an effort to achieve readability for mathematicians and scientists from...
A collection of self contained state-of-the art surveys. The authors have made an effort to achieve readability for mathematicians and scientists from other fields, for this series of handbooks to be a new reference for research, learning and teaching.
* Written by well-known experts in the field * Self contained volume in series covering one of the most rapid developing topics in mathematics * Informed and thoroughly updated for students, academics and researchers
A collection of self contained state-of-the art surveys. The authors have made an effort to achieve readability for mathematicians and scientists from...
The goal of this book is to present some modern aspects of nonlinear analysis. Some of the material introduced is classical, some more exotic. We have tried to emphasize simple cases and ideas more than complicated refinements. Also, as far as possible, we present proofs that are not classical or not available in the usual literature. Of course, only a small part of nonlinear analysis is covered. Our hope is that the reader - with the help of these notes - can rapidly access the many different aspects of the field. We start by introducing two physical issues: elasticity and diffusion. The...
The goal of this book is to present some modern aspects of nonlinear analysis. Some of the material introduced is classical, some more exotic. We have...
Many physical problems are meaningfully formulated in a cylindrical domain. When the size of the cylinder goes to infinity, the solutions, under certain symmetry conditions, are expected to be identical in every cross-section of the domain. The proof of this, however, is sometimes difficult and almost never given in the literature. The present book partially fills this gap by providing proofs of the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to various important cases of linear and nonlinear problems in the theory of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. The book is a valuable...
Many physical problems are meaningfully formulated in a cylindrical domain. When the size of the cylinder goes to infinity, the solutions, under ce...
The present volume is dedicated to celebrate the work of the renowned mathematician Herbert Amann, who had a significant and decisive influence in shaping Nonlinear Analysis. Most articles published in this book, which consists of 32 articles in total, written by highly distinguished researchers, are in one way or another related to the scientific works of Herbert Amann. The contributions cover a wide range of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations with applications to natural sciences and engineering. Special topics are fluid dynamics, reaction-diffusion systems, bifurcation theory,...
The present volume is dedicated to celebrate the work of the renowned mathematician Herbert Amann, who had a significant and decisive influence in sha...
The book is an account on recent advances in elliptic and parabolic problems and related equations, including general quasi-linear equations, variational structures, Bose-Einstein condensate, Chern-Simons model, geometric shell theory and stability in fluids. It presents very up-to-date research on central issues of these problems such as maximal regularity, bubbling, blowing-up, bifurcation of solutions and wave interaction. The contributors are well known leading mathematicians and prominent young researchers.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in: • Index to Scientific &...
The book is an account on recent advances in elliptic and parabolic problems and related equations, including general quasi-linear equations, variatio...
This volume is a collection of articles discussing the most recent advances on various topics in partial differential equations. Many important issues regarding evolution problems, their asymptotic behavior and their qualitative properties are addressed. The quality and completeness of the articles will make this book a source of inspiration and references in the future.
This volume is a collection of articles discussing the most recent advances on various topics in partial differential equations. Many important issues...