What you may so cavalierly call useless information could prove invaluable to someone else. Then again, maybe not. But to The Useless Information Society, any fact that passes its gasp-inducing, not-a-lot-of-people-know-that test merits inclusion in this fascinating but ultimately useless book...
Did you know (or do you care)...
That fish scales are used to make lipstick? Why organized crime accounts for ten percent of the United States s annual income? The name of the first CD pressed in the United States? The last year that can be written upside-down or right side-up...
What you may so cavalierly call useless information could prove invaluable to someone else. Then again, maybe not. But to The Useless Information Soci...
Bigger, better, and more useless than ever In their groundbreakingly useless book, The Book of Useless Information, the members of the Useless Information Society proved that knowledge doesn't have to be useful to be entertaining. Now they present a new collection of their most fascinating, hilarious, and wholly trivial findings. The Ultimate Book of Useless Information includes such "did you knows" as: - Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite - The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing - And giraffes have no vocal cords
Bigger, better, and more useless than ever In their groundbreakingly useless book, The Book of Useless Information, the members of the Us...
From the creators of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Book of Useless Information comes another enlightening, entertaining, and ultimately useless assortment of trivia. If you find yourself transfixed by the most trivial of trivia, or mesmerized by the most minor of minutiae, The Useless Information Society's latest findings can satisfy your every need. This wide-ranging collection will fill every nook and cranny of your brain with information you'll surely never need, but will enjoy learning anyway Did you know... - that penguins can jump six...
From the creators of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Book of Useless Information comes another enlightening, entertaining, and u...
Did you know that snails can sleep for three years without eating? Or that the average four-year-old asks over 400 questions a day? The Useless Information Society was formed by some of Britain's best-loved journalists, who meet regularly to swap new nuggets of trivia. This is the third collection of their incredible, fascinating, and utterly trivial findings. Each page is packed with off-the-wall, mind boggling facts guaranteed to amuse and delight in equal measure.
Did you know that snails can sleep for three years without eating? Or that the average four-year-old asks over 400 questions a day? The Useless Inform...
Did you know that the Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving? Or that Maine is the toothpick capital of the world, or that frogs have teeth? Do you want to know what a cockroach s favorite food is, or how long it would take to drive to the sun? Amaze your friends and family by telling them that a baby giraffe is six feet long when it is born, or that tigers have striped skin From the creators of The Book of Useless Information, this is an amazing collection of the wildest, oddest, funniest facts about history, science, food, animals, and more "
Did you know that the Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving? Or that Maine is the toothpick capital of the world, or that frogs have teeth? <...
From the creators of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The Book of Useless Information" comes another fun, foolhardy, and completely frivolous fact-filled book. 240 pp. 35,000 print.
From the creators of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The Book of Useless Information" comes another fun, foolhardy, and completely frivolous fact-...