The Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), unleashed by the integration of information technologies into weapons systems, military units, and operations is a phenomenon whose impacts have been felt well beyond the Gulf in 1991 or the Balkans in 1999. Technological developments lie at the center of these changes; however, the RMA is about more than technology. It includes the consequences of technological changes for defense and security. This study provides an assessment of the RMA that goes beyond a mere description of new defense-related technologies to deal with deeper, more fundamental...
The Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), unleashed by the integration of information technologies into weapons systems, military units, and operat...
The dismantlement of the communist system of control of the military and its replacement with a democratic model is one of the most significant aspects of the post-communist transition in East-Central Europe and the former Soviet-Union. The success of democratic civil-military reforms is an important and underappreciated measure of the state of democratic transitions in these countries, and it also has important implications for and links with regional security and NATO relations. This book examines the state of democratic civil-military reforms in nine East-Central and former Soviet...
The dismantlement of the communist system of control of the military and its replacement with a democratic model is one of the most significant asp...