A native of Brazil, trained as an economist, Sebastiao Salgado has shown a constant faith in mankind, a solidarity that never wavers or flinches in the face of pan, an ability to analyze extreme situations, a fierce drive to affirm what he truly is, a humanist photographer. About the series: The classic Photofile series brings together the best work of the world's greatest photographers in an attractive format and at a reasonable price. Handsome and collectible, the books are produced to the highest standards. Each volume contains some sixty full-page photographs in duotone and/or color, plus...
A native of Brazil, trained as an economist, Sebastiao Salgado has shown a constant faith in mankind, a solidarity that never wavers or flinches in th...
Sebastião Salgado's "Workers "is an elegy to the manual laborers of the industrial age in the fields of agriculture, mining, oil, construction, food and industry. Salgado's powerful images of tea pickers in Rwanda, dam builders in India, steelworkers in France and the Ukraine, sugarcane harvesters in Brazil, assembly-line workers in Russia and China, sulfur miners in Indonesia and others pay moving tribute to the working people who, in Salgado's portrayal, have maintained their dignity under the harshest of conditions. Made over a period of six years, the 250 photographs comprising the...
Sebastião Salgado's "Workers "is an elegy to the manual laborers of the industrial age in the fields of agriculture, mining, oil, construction, f...
Der brasilianisch-französische Starfotograf Sebastião Salgado wird weltweit gefeiert für seine eindringlichen Fotoreportagen, ausschließlich in Schwarz-weiß. Seine sozialdokumentarischen Bilder, für die er seit Jahrzehnten um den Globus reist, halten uns den Spiegel vor und zeigen uns zugleich die Welt als Schöpfung von überwältigender Schönheit. Seine Bilder zeugen von der Würde des Menschen ebenso wie von der Majestät und der Verletzlichkeit unseres Planeten. In Mein Land, unsere Erde erzählt der Fotograf die Geschichten hinter seinen berühmtesten Reportagen.
Der brasilianisch-französische Starfotograf Sebastião Salgado wird weltweit gefeiert für seine eindringlichen Fotoreportagen, ausschließlich in Sc...
In 1984 Sebastiao Salgado began what would be a fifteen-month project of photographing the drought-stricken Sahel region of Africa in the countries of Chad, Ethiopia, Mali, and Sudan, where approximately one million people died from extreme malnutrition and related causes. Working with the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders, Salgado documented the enormous suffering and the great dignity of the refugees. This early work became a template for his future photographic projects about other afflicted people around the world. Since then, Salgado has again and again sought to give...
In 1984 Sebastiao Salgado began what would be a fifteen-month project of photographing the drought-stricken Sahel region of Africa in the countries of...
Empathy and ecstasy: An homage to Africa's people and wildlife SebastiAo Salgado is one the most respected photojournalists working today, his reputation forged by decades of dedication and powerful black-and-white images of dispossessed and distressed people taken in places where most wouldn't dare to go. Although he has photographed throughout South America and around the globe, his work most heavily concentrates on Africa, where he has shot more than 40 reportage works over a period of 30 years. From the Dinka tribes in Sudan and the Himba in Namibia to gorillas and volcanoes in the lakes...
Empathy and ecstasy: An homage to Africa's people and wildlife SebastiAo Salgado is one the most respected photojournalists working today, his reputat...