This edition is written in bold and font size 24. 12 Years a Slave: Large Print is also available in font size 16.
Now a major motion picture, this remarkable memoir details Solomon Northup's twelve years of slavery, from his capture and his being sold into servitude, to his eventual release. This classic text shows the sheer brutality that was inflicted on slaves in the Deep South, as well as the humanity that eventually helped Solomon regain his freedom.
Also included in this version of Twelve Years a Slave is biographical information detailing Solomon Northup's life...
This edition is written in bold and font size 24. 12 Years a Slave: Large Print is also available in font size 16.
Slavery has existed in one form or another throughout recorded history. And while many races and nationalities have been victims of this abhorrent practice around the world, this "peculiar institution," as it was called in the United States, is particularly tragic inasmuch as our country was founded on the principle of equality for all. Since the Reconstruction, we've struggled with the embarrassing legacy of our forefathers. But as our lands fill with immigrants and generations far separated from the era who bear no responsibility for the crimes of the past century it's important to face the...
Slavery has existed in one form or another throughout recorded history. And while many races and nationalities have been victims of this abhorrent pra...
Twelve Years a Slave, sub-title: Narrative of Solomon Northup, citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River in Louisiana, is a memoir by Solomon Northup as told to and edited by David Wilson. It is a slave narrative of a black man who was born free in New York state but kidnapped in Washington, D.C., sold into slavery, and kept in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana. He provided details of slave markets in Washington, D.C. and New Orleans, as well as describing at length cotton and sugar cultivation on major...
Twelve Years a Slave, sub-title: Narrative of Solomon Northup, citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a ...
Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup - Special Illustrated Edition #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER OSCAR FOR BEST MOTION PICTURE The memorable memoir Twelve Years a Slave is the true story of Solomon Northup, born a freeman in New York, but kidnaped in Washington D.C. and sold into slavery. Northup was kept in bondage for 12 years, until being able to write to friends and family in New York, who finally secured his release. This special edition contains extraordinary and unique illustrations by Jo M. Bramenson and is enhanced with a strong poem and a note from the writer and artist, who has a...
Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup - Special Illustrated Edition #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER OSCAR FOR BEST MOTION PICTURE The memorable memoir ...
In 1841, a 33 year-old black carpenter named Simon Northup was living with his wife and children in upstate New York. A well-known fiddle player, he was asked by two white men to accompany them to Washington DC to perform at a show. He agreed, but no sooner had he arrived than he was drugged, and shipped off to the infamous Williams Slave Pen. Northup's identity papers had disappeared, and - unable to prove his 'free' status - he was shipped to the southern 'slave states' and a life of bondage. Twelve Years A Slave tells the story of Northup's time on the plantations of the Deep South, the...
In 1841, a 33 year-old black carpenter named Simon Northup was living with his wife and children in upstate New York. A well-known fiddle player, h...
Der Bestseller 12 Years a Slave, als Kinofilm mit dem Golden Globe und dem Oscar ausgezeichnet, in einer sorgfaltigen originalgetreuen Ubersetzung, die Sprache und Stil Solomon Northups unverfalscht wiedergibt. Bibliophile Ausgabe mit den Originalillustrationen, historischen Fotografien und Hintergrundinformationen zu Buch und Film. Bonus: Was wurde aus Solomon Northup nach seiner Befreiung? Der Buchgestalter Zenz durchtrankt das Buch ...] mit der historischen Aura der Erstausgabe. Die Ubersetzerin liefert einen soliden deutschen Text. ...] Dieses E-Book ist mehr als das Buch zum Film...
Der Bestseller 12 Years a Slave, als Kinofilm mit dem Golden Globe und dem Oscar ausgezeichnet, in einer sorgfaltigen originalgetreuen Ubersetzung, di...
Twelve Years a Slave, sub-title: Narrative of Solomon Northup, citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River in Louisiana, is a memoir by Solomon Northup as told to and edited by David Wilson. It is a slave narrative of a black man who was born free in New York state but kidnapped in Washington, D.C., sold into slavery, and kept in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana. He provided details of slave markets in Washington, D.C. and New Orleans, as well as describing at length cotton and sugar cultivation on major...
Twelve Years a Slave, sub-title: Narrative of Solomon Northup, citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a ...
Twelve Years a Slave (1853) is a memoir and slave narrative by Solomon Northup, as told to and edited by David Wilson. Northup, a black man who was born free in New York, details his kidnapping in Washington, D.C. and subsequent sale into slavery. After having been kept in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana by various masters, Northup was able to write to friends and family in New York, who were in turn able to secure his release. Northup's account provides extensive details on the slave markets in Washington, D.C. and New Orleans and describes at length cotton and sugar cultivation on major...
Twelve Years a Slave (1853) is a memoir and slave narrative by Solomon Northup, as told to and edited by David Wilson. Northup, a black man who was bo...