It has been over 40 years since the original report by Salmon and Daughaday demon- strating that the ability of GH to stimulate sulfation of cartilage was mediated by a "sulfation factor. " In the ensuing decades, it has become apparent that this "sulfation factor activity" encompasses a complex system ofligands (IGFs), receptors, and carrier proteins that are, in tum, responsible for a wide array of cellular actions. The IGF system has been demonstrated to be critically involved in both intrauterine and postnatal growth, and to have important implications in cancer biology as well, owing to...
It has been over 40 years since the original report by Salmon and Daughaday demon- strating that the ability of GH to stimulate sulfation of cartilage...
It has been over 40 years since the original report by Salmon and Daughaday demon- strating that the ability of GH to stimulate sulfation of cartilage was mediated by a "sulfation factor. " In the ensuing decades, it has become apparent that this "sulfation factor activity" encompasses a complex system ofligands (IGFs), receptors, and carrier proteins that are, in tum, responsible for a wide array of cellular actions. The IGF system has been demonstrated to be critically involved in both intrauterine and postnatal growth, and to have important implications in cancer biology as well, owing to...
It has been over 40 years since the original report by Salmon and Daughaday demon- strating that the ability of GH to stimulate sulfation of cartilage...