This classic study of popular tales and fictions is a global map of human imagination reaching back to a time that the author calls "the childhood of the world."
First published in two volumes more than a century ago, the book traces familiar themes from strikingly different times, places, and cultures: invisible caps and cloaks, shoes of swiftness, inexhaustible purses, gold-producing animals, life tokens, bird maidens, forbidden rooms, fairy hinds, magic barks, thankful beasts, and magical transformations. The author investigates their origins, examines their variations, and follows...
This classic study of popular tales and fictions is a global map of human imagination reaching back to a time that the author calls "the childhood ...
Aus der Perspektive stadtischer Milieus werden Bauern und Bauerinnen entweder Gegenstand einer romantischen -Natur-betrachtung oder zu mehr oder weniger berechtigten Subventionsempfangern. Im Gegensatz dazu werden in dieser Untersuchung Perspektiven aufgezeigt, die Frauen in der Landwirtschaft selbst entwerfen. Die nach der Methode der grounded theory entwickelten Identitatsmuster von Bauerinnen reprasentieren unterschiedliche Arten weiblicher Handlungsorientierungen. In vielfaltiger Weise werden Partnerschaft und Mutterschaft mit dem bauerlichen Arbeitsgeschehen kombiniert, neue...
Aus der Perspektive stadtischer Milieus werden Bauern und Bauerinnen entweder Gegenstand einer romantischen -Natur-betrachtung oder zu mehr oder wenig...
The central tale studied in Turandot's Sisters, first published in 1993, is The Princess Who Can Not Solve the Riddle, AT 851. Other wisdom tales are surveyed to show that they are separate from the riddle tales in material and in spirit. Customs and beliefs concerning riddling and riddle contests are examined to see what motifs from the tales are taken from reality, leaving the rest to be either fantasy motifs or stylistic traits. The central tale AT 851 is analysed in detail to exhibit its obligatory and optional elements, a wealth of possibilities that enables it to adapt to a range of...
The central tale studied in Turandot's Sisters, first published in 1993, is The Princess Who Can Not Solve the Riddle, AT 851. Other wisdom tales are ...