The goal of the present volume is to discuss the notion of a 'conceptual framework' or 'conceptual scheme', which has been dominating much work in the analysis and justification of knowledge in recent years. More specifi cally, this volume is designed to clarify the contrast between two competing approaches in the area of problems indicated by this notion: On the one hand, we have the conviction, underlying much present-day work in the philosophy of science, that the best we can hope for in the justifi cation of empirical knowledge is to reconstruct the conceptual means actually employed by...
The goal of the present volume is to discuss the notion of a 'conceptual framework' or 'conceptual scheme', which has been dominating much work in the...
Der Philosoph und Schriftsteller Peter Bieri alias Pascal Mercier geht zentralen Fragen des menschlichen Lebens nach.§Wir wollen über unser Leben selbst bestimmen. Davon hängen unsere Würde und unser Glück ab. Doch was genau bedeutet das? Unser Denken, Fühlen und Tun ergibt sich aus den Bedingungen einer Lebensgeschichte. Was heißt es, dass wir trotzdem Einfluss auf§unser Leben nehmen können, sodass es uns nicht einfach nur zustößt? Was für eine Rolle spielt dabei Selbsterkenntnis? Wann sind die Anderen eine Hilfe für Selbstbestimmung und wann ein Hindernis? Wie hängen...
Der Philosoph und Schriftsteller Peter Bieri alias Pascal Mercier geht zentralen Fragen des menschlichen Lebens nach.§Wir wollen über unser Leben se...
Dignity is humanity's most prized possession. We experience the loss of dignity as a terrible humiliation: when we lose our dignity we feel deprived of something without which life no longer seems worth living. But what exactly is this trait that we value so highly?
In this important new book, distinguished philosopher Peter Bieri looks afresh at the notion of human dignity. In contrast to most traditional views, he argues that dignity is not an innate quality of human beings or a right that we possess by virtue of being human. Rather, dignity is a certain way to lead one's...
Dignity is humanity's most prized possession. We experience the loss of dignity as a terrible humiliation: when we lose our dignity we feel deprive...