hose who think about time are thinking deeply. Those who think about God T are thinking even more deeply still. Those who try to think about God and time are pressing the very limits of human understanding. Undaunted, this is precisely the project which we have set for ourselves in this study: to try to grasp the nature of divine eternity, to understand what is meant by the amnnation that God is etemal, to fonnulate a coherent doctrine ofGod's relationship with time. This study, the second installment of a long-range research pro gram devoted to a philosophical analysis of the principal...
hose who think about time are thinking deeply. Those who think about God T are thinking even more deeply still. Those who try to think about God and t...
Discrete-time systems arise as a matter of course in modelling biological or economic processes. For systems and control theory they are of major importance, particularly in connection with digital control applications. If sampling is performed in order to control periodic processes, almost periodic systems are obtained. This is a strong motivation to investigate the discrete-time systems with time-varying coefficients. This research monograph contains a study of discrete-time nodes, the discrete counterpart of the theory elaborated by Bart, Gohberg and Kaashoek for the continuous case,...
Discrete-time systems arise as a matter of course in modelling biological or economic processes. For systems and control theory they are of major impo...
The authors present the theory of symmetric (Hermitian) matrix Riccati equations and contribute to the development of the theory of non-symmetric Riccati equations as well as to certain classes of coupled and generalized Riccati equations occurring in differential games and stochastic control. The volume offers a complete treatment of generalized and coupled Riccati equations. It deals with differential, discrete-time, algebraic or periodic symmetric and non-symmetric equations, with special emphasis on those equations appearing in control and systems theory. Extensions to Riccati theory...
The authors present the theory of symmetric (Hermitian) matrix Riccati equations and contribute to the development of the theory of non-symmetric R...
Discrete-time systems arise as a matter of course in modelling biological or economic processes. For systems and control theory they are of major importance, particularly in connection with digital control applications. If sampling is performed in order to control periodic processes, almost periodic systems are obtained. This is a strong motivation to investigate the discrete-time systems with time-varying coefficients. This research monograph contains a study of discrete-time nodes, the discrete counterpart of the theory elaborated by Bart, Gohberg and Kaashoek for the continuous case,...
Discrete-time systems arise as a matter of course in modelling biological or economic processes. For systems and control theory they are of major impo...