An effective technique for data analysis in the social sciences
The recent explosion in longitudinal data in the social sciences highlights the need for this timely publication. Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective provides an effective technique to analyze latent curve models (LCMs). This type of data features random intercepts and slopes that permit each case in a sample to have a different trajectory over time. Furthermore, researchers can include variables to predict the parameters governing these trajectories.
The authors synthesize a vast amount of research and...
An effective technique for data analysis in the social sciences
The recent explosion in longitudinal data in the social sciences highlights the need...
What is the role of fit measures when respecifying a model? Should the means of the sampling distributions of a fit index be unrelated to the size of the sample? Is it better to estimate the statistical power of the chi-square test than to turn to fit indices? Exploring these and related questions, well-known scholars examine the methods of testing structural equation models (SEMS) with and without measurement error, as estimated by such programs as EQS, LISREL and CALIS.
What is the role of fit measures when respecifying a model? Should the means of the sampling distributions of a fit index be unrelated to the size of ...
Reviews some of the major issues facing researchers who wish to use structural equation modeling. This title includes individual chapters that present developments on specification, estimation and testing, statistical power, software comparisons and analyzing multitrait/multimethod data.
Reviews some of the major issues facing researchers who wish to use structural equation modeling. This title includes individual chapters that present...