This accessible text summarizes and explains the structure of British local government, focusing on key changes introduced during the Thatcher/Major years and initiatives implemented by the current Labour administration. While offering a detailed discussion of these policies, the book examines how local government has sought to respond in a proactive way to a range of important social, political and economic changes.
Readers are introduced to local government as a lively and complex site of political engagement. British local government is set in a wider political, social...
This accessible text summarizes and explains the structure of British local government, focusing on key changes introduced during the Thatcher/Major y...
This accessible text summarizes and explains the structure of British local government, focusing on key changes introduced during the Thatcher/Major years and initiatives implemented by the current Labour administration. While offering a detailed discussion of these policies, the book examines how local government has sought to respond in a proactive way to a range of important social, political and economic changes.
Readers are introduced to local government as a lively and complex site of political engagement. British local government is set in a wider political, social...
This accessible text summarizes and explains the structure of British local government, focusing on key changes introduced during the Thatcher/Major y...