Software engineering has over the years been applied in many different fields, ranging from telecommunications to embedded systems in car and aircraft industry as well as in production engineering and computer networks. Foundations in software technology lie in models allowing to capture application domains, detailed requirements, but also to understand the structure and working of software systems like software architectures and programs. These models have to be expressed in techniques based on discrete mathematics, algebra and logics. However, according to the very specific needs in...
Software engineering has over the years been applied in many different fields, ranging from telecommunications to embedded systems in car and aircr...
Contrary to what many believe, Alan Turing is not the father of the all-purpose computer. Engineers were, independently of Turing, already building such machines during World War II. Turings influence was felt more in programming after his death than in computer building during his lifetime. The first person to receive a Turing award was a programmer, not a computer builder.
Logicians and programmers recast Turings notions of machine and universality. Gradually, these recast notions helped programmers to see the bigger picture of what they were accomplishing. Later, problems unsolvable with...
Contrary to what many believe, Alan Turing is not the father of the all-purpose computer. Engineers were, independently of Turing, already building su...