The author presents a unique scheme for selecting processes at the drawing board stage where a need for a connection is usually first perceived. Leading the enquirer through a series of diagrams and tables, he reveals the processes which are feasible for a particular joint. The book includes descriptions of 28 joining processes in which the principal method of use, advantages and limitations, application and factors affecting costs are explained. The book is well illustrated and contains much useful advice invaluable to practising engineers and designers having no previous knowledge of...
The author presents a unique scheme for selecting processes at the drawing board stage where a need for a connection is usually first perceived. Leadi...
This title includes: Origins and development: The process, The first twenty years; Development after 1955; Principles: Equipment, Joint preparation and welding procedure; Welding conditions; Special techniques; Weld defects; Process variants: Single electrode welding; Multiple electrode welding; Metal powder additions; Narrow gap submerged-arc welding; Consumables: Types of flux and their development; Wires; Flux/wire combination; Consumables for different steel types; Flux delivery system; Welding procedures: Welding costs; Establishing a procedure; Procedural options; Application and uses...
This title includes: Origins and development: The process, The first twenty years; Development after 1955; Principles: Equipment, Joint preparation an...