Behind the rhetoric of intervention' and deregulation' which has accompanied state attempts to stimulate technological innovation in the last decade is secreted a story of failed ambitions, confusion, muddle and incoherence. Techno-industrial innovation does make demands on the state, not only in terms of new industries, but also in regard to the inter-relation of industrial and R&D policy and the creation of markets. This book provides a comparative analysis of techno-industrial innovation in Europe, Japan and the USA. Drawing on case studies ranging from the semi-conductor to the...
Behind the rhetoric of intervention' and deregulation' which has accompanied state attempts to stimulate technological innovation in the last decade i...
The more advanced the processes of innovation-led entrepreneurship are, the more important become highly skilled scientific, engineering, professional and university trained personnel. This book analyses these processes with a concentration on the regionalisation of innovative laabour markets.
The more advanced the processes of innovation-led entrepreneurship are, the more important become highly skilled scientific, engineering, professional...
European macro-regions, Euroregions and other forms of inter-regional, cross-border cooperation have helped to shape new scenarios and new relational spaces which may generate opportunities for economic development, while redefining the political and economic meaning of national borders. This book is based on a number of key case studies which are crucial to understanding the complex web of political, economic and cultural factors that shape the heterogeneous picture of Europe's new geography.
This book provides a fresh view on this phenomenon, with a realistic approach shedding...
European macro-regions, Euroregions and other forms of inter-regional, cross-border cooperation have helped to shape new scenarios and new relation...
Die politische Bewiiltigung der Probleme sozio-okonomischer Entwicklung in den am weitesten fortgeschrittenen westlichen Industriegesellschaften bereitet wachsende Schwierigkeiten; es wird immer deutlicher, daB Fachpolitiken -und seien sie noch so effizient organisiert und kompetent realisiert -mit der Aufgabe iiberfordert sind und zumindest der Konzertierung bediirfen; und schlie61ich sehen sich Versuche politi scher Gestaltung mit der Entfaltung von Entwicklungen konfrontiert, die die angestrebten Ziele konterkarieren, die neue Anforderungen an staatliches Handeln in anderen...
Die politische Bewiiltigung der Probleme sozio-okonomischer Entwicklung in den am weitesten fortgeschrittenen westlichen Industriegesellschaften berei...
This handbook provides a comprehensive global survey of the politics of technology. Written by an outstanding line up of distinguished scholars in the field, the handbook covers all aspects of the relationship between politics and technology including:
Demand and support for new technologies and innovation by the state
The effects of technology policies
Technology development and innovation difference between various countries and regions
Policy instruments and techno-industrial innovation
Dynamism and change as outcomes...
This handbook provides a comprehensive global survey of the politics of technology. Written by an outstanding line up of distinguished scholars in ...
European macro-regions, Euroregions and other forms of inter-regional, cross-border cooperation have helped to shape new scenarios and new relational spaces which may generate opportunities for economic development, while redefining the political and economic meaning of national borders. This book is based on a number of key case studies which are crucial to understanding the complex web of political, economic and cultural factors that shape the heterogeneous picture of Europe s new geography.
This book provides a fresh view on this phenomenon, with a realistic approach shedding...
European macro-regions, Euroregions and other forms of inter-regional, cross-border cooperation have helped to shape new scenarios and new relation...
Das Buch geht der Frage nach, inwiefern staatliche Politik fur die Realisation technologisch-industrieller Innovation grundlegend - und mithin steuernd - ist und untersucht dabei insbesondere die Rolle der offiziellen Wissenschaft.
Das Buch geht der Frage nach, inwiefern staatliche Politik fur die Realisation technologisch-industrieller Innovation grundlegend - und mithin steuern...
Weltmarktintegration, eine fuhrende Rolle im internationalen Innovations und Forschungswettlauf und die "richtige" Rolle des Staates gelten als Rezept fur industriellen Erfolg und okonomisches Wachstum. Modelle werden dazu sehnell gefunden, haufig widersprechen sie einander: an den U . SA. wurde bis vor kurzem ihre hohe wissenschaftlich-technische Innovationsfahigkeit, bei der angeblich der Staat keine Rolle spielt, geruhmt; mit Blick auf Japan galt der unmittelbar den Exportinteressen dienenden staatlichen Politik besondere Bewunderung, die das Land als neue Technologie-Supermacht erscheinen...
Weltmarktintegration, eine fuhrende Rolle im internationalen Innovations und Forschungswettlauf und die "richtige" Rolle des Staates gelten als Rezept...
A map which shows where innovation is clustered worldwide is also a map of the location of the highly skilled and talented labour. New technologies, their creative applications or synergy across different areas of scientific research or technology development always create opportunities for the employment of particularly creative labour. This book explores the kinds of institutions and structures which need to exist to make sure that such skills are both offered and employed in particular 'islands of innovation'.
Networking Regionalised Innovative Labour Markets...
A map which shows where innovation is clustered worldwide is also a map of the location of the highly skilled and talented labour. New technologies...