Papers from more than three decades reflect the development of thinkingover the dialogical framework that shapes verbal expression of comprehending experience and that has to be exhibited in responsible argumentations. With dialogical reconstructions of experience owing to the methodical constructivism of the Erlangen School it is possible to uncover the origin of many conceptual oppositions in traditional philosophical talk, like natural vs. artificial/cultural, subjective vs. objective, etc., and to solve philosophical riddles connected with them.
Papers from more than three decades reflect the development of thinkingover the dialogical framework that shapes verbal expression of comprehendin...
This three-volume collection of essays by Kuno Lorenz spans more than three decades, giving readers an excellent overview of the seminal contributions made by this important representative of Erlangen constructivism. The Collected Essays are published in a three-volume set, offered at a special price: Dialogischer Konstruktivismus (ISBN 978-3-11-020310-3), Logic, Language and Method On Polarities in Human Experience (ISBN 978-3-11-020312-7), and Philosophische Variationen (ISBN 978-3-11-020311-0).
This three-volume collection of essays by Kuno Lorenz spans more than three decades, giving readers an excellent overview of the seminal contributi...