On December 7, 1864, just one week after the bloody battle of Franklin, Tennessee, a drummer boy from Newark, New Jersey, William McGee, was credited with leading a Federal force to a sharp and decisive victory over the Confederates in a clash just thirty miles from the carnage at Franklin. For his actions, young McGee would soon be awarded a Medal of Honor, written up in both newspapers and books as a glorious New Jersey legend, be commissioned as a lieutenant in the United States Army at age 18, and then, inexplicably at the height of his notoriety, virtually disappear from history for more...
On December 7, 1864, just one week after the bloody battle of Franklin, Tennessee, a drummer boy from Newark, New Jersey, William McGee, was credited ...
The Irish have a long and proud history in America, and New Jersey is no exception. Beginning with the first Irish immigrants who settled in every corner of the state, this vital ethnic community has left an indelible mark on all facets of life in the Garden State. New Jersey's Irish natives expressed their own discontent over British oppression by fighting alongside colonists in the American Revolution. Brave Fenians fought to preserve their new home in the Civil War. New Jersey's Irish also have become professional athletes, Unites States representatives, religious leaders, spies and...
The Irish have a long and proud history in America, and New Jersey is no exception. Beginning with the first Irish immigrants who settled in every cor...
Das vorliegende Werk gibt Unternehmern und ihren Beratern einen umfassenden und anwendungsorientierten Uberblick uber die wesentlichen Neuerungen des Ende 2011 veroffentlichten Umwandlungssteuererlasses (UmwStE). Dieserbeseitigt in vielen Fallen die Unsicherheit, wie bislang streitige Punkte aus der Sicht der Finanzverwaltung ausgelegt werden. Verstandliche Falle erleichtern auch Nichtjuristen den Einstieg in die Materie."
Das vorliegende Werk gibt Unternehmern und ihren Beratern einen umfassenden und anwendungsorientierten Uberblick uber die wesentlichen Neuerungen des ...