This volume deals with many aspects of the physical and chemical limnology of the Salton Sea, California's largest lake and a lake that may soon to be the object of a multi-billion dollar restoration project. Formed in 1905 by an accidental breaching of outtake structures on the Colorado River, and maintained since then by large and steady inflows of agricultural wastewaters, it has long served as an important habitat for fish and waterbirds and as a major recreational area for people. Highlly eutrophic and with a salinity that is steadily rising and now nearly 50 g/L, it is a lake in great...
This volume deals with many aspects of the physical and chemical limnology of the Salton Sea, California's largest lake and a lake that may soon to be...
The 5th International Symposium on Inland Saline Lakes was held at Hotel Titikaka on the shores of that lake, 22-29 March 1991 with participants from 16 countries. 23 papers presented by the participants, plus an additional one reporting a microcosm study on salinity effects, constitute the present volume. The papers cover the wide array of subject matters and scales characteristic of our interdiscipline and represent the symposium.
The 5th International Symposium on Inland Saline Lakes was held at Hotel Titikaka on the shores of that lake, 22-29 March 1991 with participants from ...
This volume deals with many aspects of the physical and chemical limnology of the Salton Sea, California's largest lake and a lake that may soon to be the object of a multi-billion dollar restoration project. Formed in 1905 by an accidental breaching of outtake structures on the Colorado River, and maintained since then by large and steady inflows of agricultural wastewaters, it has long served as an important habitat for fish and waterbirds and as a major recreational area for people. Highlly eutrophic and with a salinity that is steadily rising and now nearly 50 g/L, it is a lake in...
This volume deals with many aspects of the physical and chemical limnology of the Salton Sea, California's largest lake and a lake that may soon to...
The Vth International Symposium on Inland Saline Lakes was held at Hotel Titikaka on the shores of that lake, 22--29 March 1991 with participants from 16 countries. Twenty-three papers presented by the participants, plus an additional one reporting a microcosm study on salinity effects, constitute the present volume. The papers cover the wide array of subject matters and scales characteristic of our interdiscipline' and represent the symposium well. All manuscripts submitted for these proceedings were critically reviewed by at least three referees and are representative of saline lake...
The Vth International Symposium on Inland Saline Lakes was held at Hotel Titikaka on the shores of that lake, 22--29 March 1991 with participants from...