Were the heavens and the earth created 6,000 years ago, as the Bible suggests? Or did the universe expand into existence nearly 14 billion years ago from a spontaneous "Big Bang"? Both dates cannot be right. Or can they? Imagine medieval manuscripts, written some 800 years ago, that could help us decipher Genesis and thereby pinpoint exactly when the universe began - an instant squaring, moreover, with our most up-to-date cosmological theories. Further, suppose these same manuscripts could help us extract from Genesis unequivocal timelines for the development of life on Earth, again precisely...
Were the heavens and the earth created 6,000 years ago, as the Bible suggests? Or did the universe expand into existence nearly 14 billion years ago f...
Fueron los cielos y la tierra creados hace 6.000 anos, como la Biblia sugiere? O es que el universo se expandio en existencia hace 14 mil millones de anos a partir de un espontaneo "Big Bang"? Ambas fechas no pueden estar en lo cierto. O pueden? Imaginese manuscritos medievales, escritos hace unos 800 anos, que podrian ayudar a descifrar el Genesis y con ello determinar exactamente cuando el universo empezo - cuadrar en un instante, por otra parte, con nuestras teorias cosmologicas mas avanzadas a la fecha. Ademas, supongamos que estos mismos manuscritos podrian ayudarnos a extraer del...
Fueron los cielos y la tierra creados hace 6.000 anos, como la Biblia sugiere? O es que el universo se expandio en existencia hace 14 mil millones de ...
The Purse and the Sword presents a critical analysis of Israel's legal system in the context of its politics, history, and the forces that shape its society. This book examines the extensive powers that Israel's Supreme Court arrogated to itself since the 1980s and traces the history of the transformation of its legal system and the shifts in the balance of power between the branches of government. Centrally, this shift has put unprecedented power in the hands of both the Court and Israel's attorney general and state prosecution at the expense of Israel's cabinet, constituting its...
The Purse and the Sword presents a critical analysis of Israel's legal system in the context of its politics, history, and the forces that sh...