What do you do when you find a stranger in your closet, particularly when she's surprised that you can even see her -- and she can disappear and reappear at whim? What if she then tells you that her body is actually in a coma on the other side of town? Should you have her see a psychiatrist or should you consult one yourself? Or do you take a chance and believe in her, and allow yourself to be swept up in an extraordinary adventure? This is the beginning of the dilemma Arthur, a young San Francisco architect, is facing when he discovers Lauren in his apartment. Arthur is the only man who...
What do you do when you find a stranger in your closet, particularly when she's surprised that you can even see her -- and she can disappear and reapp...
A remarkable story of struggle and survival in World War II by France's No. 1 bestselling novelist
Early in 1942, two young brothers join a Resistance group. All the members of the group are young, most of their families came from elsewhere in Europe or North Africa and all of them are passionately committed to the freedom of France and Europe. They find they are not welcomed by other French groups and thus Brigade 35 is formed. For most of them, their growing up, their falling in love, their sense of friendship and family are formed by their time with the group, and between moments...
A remarkable story of struggle and survival in World War II by France's No. 1 bestselling novelist
OA se situe notre conscience ?Est-ce qua (TM)on peut la transfA(c)rer et la sauvegarder ?Hope, Josh et Luke, A(c)tudiants en neurosciences, forment un trio insA(c)parable, liA(c) par une amitiA(c) inconditionnelle et une idA(c)e de gA(c)nie. Lorsque la (TM)un des troisest confrontA(c) A une mort imminente, ils dA(c)cident da (TM)explorer la (TM)impossible et demettre en oeuvre leur incroyable projet.A0/00mouvante, mystA(c)rieuse, pleine da (TM)humour aussia ]une histoire da (TM)amour hors du temps, au dA(c)nouement inoubliable.Un roman sur la vie, la (TM)amour et la morta ] parce qua...
OA se situe notre conscience ?Est-ce qua (TM)on peut la transfA(c)rer et la sauvegarder ?Hope, Josh et Luke, A(c)tudiants en neurosciences, forment un...