This volume presents a broad survey of the Republikaner Party, its program and ideology, its organization, and the composition of its voters and sympathizers. The authors maintain that any analysis of the Republikaners must distinguish between the party as represented by its platform and party officials, and the party as seen by its voters. Republikaners draw potential voters from two very differently motivated groups: (1) a small, ideologically oriented segment dominated by right-wing conservative and right-fringe extremist attitudes, and (2) a larger, flucating pool of sympathizers less...
This volume presents a broad survey of the Republikaner Party, its program and ideology, its organization, and the composition of its voters and sy...
This volume presents a broad survey of the Republikaner Party, its program and ideology, its organization, and the composition of its voters and sympathizers. The authors maintain that any analysis of the Republikaners must distinguish between the party as represented by its platform and party officials, and the party as seen by its voters. Republikaners draw potential voters from two very differently motivated groups: (1) a small, ideologically oriented segment dominated by right-wing conservative and right-fringe extremist attitudes, and (2) a larger, flucating pool of sympathizers less...
This volume presents a broad survey of the Republikaner Party, its program and ideology, its organization, and the composition of its voters and sy...
Wahrend uber die politischen Systeme der anderen Partner in der EG eine Fulle von Literatur in deutscher Sprache vorhanden ist und zudem uber diese Lander auch in der Presse und den ande ren Medien haufig berichtet wird, ist dies in Bezug auf die Nieder lande, Belgien und Luxemburg nur in sehr eingeschranktem Masse der Fall. Dies ist UlmO erstaunlicher und bedauernswerter, wenn man bedenkt, welche grosse Bedeutung der BENELUX-Raum ins besondere in wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat. Zudem ist das Verhaltnis, insbesondere zu un serem niederlandischen Nachbarn,...
Wahrend uber die politischen Systeme der anderen Partner in der EG eine Fulle von Literatur in deutscher Sprache vorhanden ist und zudem uber diese La...