As the correspondents in volumes 15 and 16 were brought together under the category of 'antiquaries, ' those in this volume may be classed as 'virtuosi, ' although 'lawyer' would suit Hardinge better. Lord Wharncliffe's description of Lord Strafford as 'eminently skilled in architecture and virtu' also fits Chute, Bentely, Lord Harcourt, and Sir William Hamilton.
As the correspondents in volumes 15 and 16 were brought together under the category of 'antiquaries, ' those in this volume may be classed as 'virtuos...
Most manuals assume software testing is being performed as part of a well-defined, structured development cycle based on clearly stated requirements and standards. Unfortunately, this is not often the case in the real world. Indeed, the one true constant in software development is change. PDCA/TEST presents a continuous quality framework based on Dr. Edward Deming's famous rapid application "spiral" development model for quality through a continuous improvement process to promote effective testing methods in both structured and unstructured environments. William E. Lewis shows you...
Most manuals assume software testing is being performed as part of a well-defined, structured development cycle based on clearly stated requirements a...
This is the story of North Carolina parent choice advocates' push for the creation and expansion of choice policies. The exploration of the politics, ideology, and interests surrounding parent choice includes but also stretches beyond the most frequently discussed choice policies of charter schools, school vouchers, and tuition tax credits.
This is the story of North Carolina parent choice advocates' push for the creation and expansion of choice policies. The exploration of the politics, ...