Talking about Literacy re-examines dominant notions of what litreracy is, and challenges the problem-solution reflex to the issue (the problem is illiteracy: the solution is more literacy). Literacy has enormous emotional and political associations, and the job of literacy educator often concerns changing attitudes and challenging prejudices - whether in the form of publicity strategies, counselling new students, or in curriculum design. In short, adult literacy education means not only teaching courses like 'fresh start', 'basic skills', 'study skills', 'communication skills',...
Talking about Literacy re-examines dominant notions of what litreracy is, and challenges the problem-solution reflex to the issue (the proble...
Against a background of press reports of declining literacy standards, there is a dominant idea that both the responsibility for literacy learning and the key to literacy success lies as much within the family as in the school.
Against a background of press reports of declining literacy standards, there is a dominant idea that both the responsibility for literacy learning and...
This book brings together theoretical and practical debates from adult literacy and language education with those of creative writing and community publishing work. Illustrated by accounts of first-hand experience, each chapter focuses on the practical business of achieving good learning and development opportunities for women and men of all ages. Whether working with refugees seeking confidence in spoken English, elderly people reflecting on life experience, or basic education students wishing to 'improve' their literacy, the principle with which the writers are engaged is that of democracy...
This book brings together theoretical and practical debates from adult literacy and language education with those of creative writing and community pu...